6 min readDec 30, 2021


It is the simplicity that is holding physicists back, phi. Their 'ignorance' occurs at the structural level and because it is very simple, they cannot get out of the swimming pool of their own infinite wisdom.

The issue hiding in plain sight is actually quite beautiful.

1 + x = 1

With 1, the total amount of energy in the universe is expressed. Naturally, we cannot express this 1 in any correct manner other than with this general statement, but as a general statement it is absolutely correct.

To accept the 1 both before and after the equation, physicists need to pay very close attention, and they are not doing that.

While all agree that Energy does not get lost, they are asking the question where energy came from before there was matter. This is like a person asking where the keys are while holding them in his or her hands.

The only data we have about the beginning of the material universe is found with matter. There is truly no data on the beginning of time, space, or energy. Completely empty-handed.

Yet instead of focusing on the transition from energy to matter, physicists threw everything in one bag and established a singularity of unknown mathematical qualities (red flag!) and called out that entire process as if it were singular somehow at some point indeed. They incorporated a religious position in the center of science.

They accept that the egg delivered the omelet, but they are not breaking the egg. They leave the egg intact and mysteriously end up with an omelet.

The x in the equation is simple to find because it is 0. The breaking of the egg.

Gödel already made this quite obvious almost 100 years ago, and yet physicists don't come near it. They are scared of Gödel.

Allow me translate Gödel's words with that 0 in mind. Please allow me to use my own words.

In our universe we very clearly see that matter likes to be 'married' to matter (converge with matter). No marriages are, however, established at the universal level; matter converges only at the 'local' levels. A galaxy is the largest setting in which we still see some collective convergence occurring.

At the universal level, we see 'divorce' as the outcome.

The change from prior to present, expressed with 0 in the equation, is fundamental and yet it does not change the total amount of energy.

A divorce occurred. The 0 in the equation is that of a separation. Naturally, no evidence is associated with a separation other than in the outcomes. In a real divorce, goods end up being schlepped from one place to another.

The egg got broken for sure, and the breaking of the egg is not found as a fact all by itself, but needs to be read as inherently found among all the facts.


Phi, I have received a good number of replies from scientists telling me that things cannot be this simple. I also received a few reviews that my materialization theory is sound (though often declared as not in line with current prevailing views). Everyone seems scared to embrace what I am saying.


The theory is falsifiable.

By reversing the outbound motions we see among matter (at least for the beginning epochs of the materialization process), a prediction is made about the outcome. Hence, a falsifiable theory.

If we see the 0 in the equation as a divorce, then we can see how there must have been some setup prior that led to the divorce. Using the reverse of the outbound motion, the proposal is an inbound motion among energy at the time there was not any matter established yet.

Note carefully how I am staying at the generic level and do not pronounce anything in specifics for the prior state.

Inbound motions cannot be sustained and will establish damage in specific areas when continued without stopping in time.

Wind up a toy until it breaks and notice how it did not disintegrate into dust, plus that the breakage did not occur in the exact center. At some spot with the winding mechanism, it breaks into two, and the following release of tension tore through some part of the toy.

Very important to note is that most of the toy remains intact. It will not do the trick it did before anymore, but one can still play with it a bit.

The theory if falsifiable because the inbound motion predicts the outbound motion.

Here is the model, declared using a beach ball. At the exact moment of damage being established, the collective inbound motion among energy contains a fully-stuck-in-place center of energy, the same as the airy space of the beach ball.

The warping of energy occurred exactly where it was not possible to add another layer of stuck energy to that pent-up bulwark of tension. The plastic parts of the beach ball, that is where energy started moving sideways (where push came to shove), causing damage to this energy, and to this energy only. What was produced, I declare a quark soup.

To finish the image of the beach ball, the exterior of the beach ball is still under high inward tension, so no day at the beach for this beach ball.

Once damage has occurred, the inward motion stopped and the tension slowly dissipated. When that dissipation reached the damaged area (and therefore the bulwark of pent-up tension), the 'Yellowstone Old Faithful' moment occurred and all got catapulted outwardly; damaged and undamaged energy alike.

Note how most of the energy was not damaged and would therefore also not become matter.

Not until the tension was subsided to the point the quark soup of damaged energy had some space to move about, only then did the quark soup align immediately into the neutrons and protons. That is the CMBR point.

The damaged energy formed the nuclei of atoms. The damaged parts were not able to return to their former selves and established therefore the best next thing. They had been torn into parts and when getting back together with whatever was laying around, the neutrons and protons appeared.

Because the protons ended up with a positive charge, the electrons were pulled in from the undamaged energy. As such, we have two realities, with the subatomic level a charged reality, and the overall reality in the universe a neutrally charged outcome. The electrons neutralized the positive charges like a blanket. They could not enter the nuclei because they are from a different reality (but they can if you allow me to say it my way switch places).

Where prior there was one reality (in as far as we can correctly assume), we now have two realities, two closed systems from one closed system (with again some leakage possible at the subatomic level between the secondary closed system and the diminished original closed system).

The largest setting we ourselves are involved with is the Milky Way. Even among the undamaged energy, there will not be a larger setting it is involved in. The universe is a collective, like a shattered vase with all the pieces still intact.


Physicists are putting the cart before the horse when they are investigating matter to figure out how matter came to be. They are like seven-year olds investigating babies to figure out how babies are made. They will come up with an answer, but it will certainly be something to laugh about.

The result does not tell us how the result was made, not possible. The result lacks the essential ingredient or action. The divorce is not physically visible among the two former spouses. They are still alive, and can walk, eat, and sputter. Their total energy is still the same, just not together anymore.

As you can see, the Big Whisper theory (named to honor Penzias and Wilson who discovered the whisper of the materialization process) is not based on the investigations of matter (though it is informed by the investigations because it can also not conflict with the findings).

All the Big Whisper theory does is presenting a reason how energy could get damaged and how matter was able to get established among prior energy. All we need to know is how the building blocks for matter were able to come about. That cannot be done by investigating the results.

1 + 1 = x




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