John, thank you for a well written piece on reality. I like that it enables me to get a glimpse of how your mind is organized. You remind me a bit of Plato in the structure of how you express things.
I do not have too much to counter your wisdom, though I hope to give you a structural perspective you did not yet mention (but that is hidden in many of your thoughts). Apologies if I go on too long.
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Allow me to get stuck on 0/1, because both are the basic actors to help describe the overall structure. I write them down as (0) and (1) to improve readability. (0) and (1) can be two non-conflicting perceptions occurring at the same time.
A famous example is Rubin’s Vase where both aspects of (1) and (0) are separate from one another and in which image they can actually switch places. Yet elsewhere in reality (0) and (1) can also be found in what is one and the same.
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My universe is Universe 2.0, the place in which matter has become the central aspect of our attention. Yet Universe 1.0 is the underlying reality of this successor. These two states are the ultimate (1) and (0). With (1) we can see time, space, energy and matter. Please note that with the ultimate (0) we can still see energy, time and space, but matter is not a part. I sometimes call energy dark energy to clarify its invisible nature.
This setup declares that the ultimate (1) is a result (as already proclaimed in Buddhism and in the Myth about Zeus and Chronos) and that we are bound by it. For me, Universe 2.0 is indeed the actual essence of things. Meanwhile, the ultimate (0) is the given, and I do not provide any information where Universe 1.0 comes from. Though it can have a beginning, there is no interest in me to find any beginning to it. I accept it as the original source.
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Let me try cutting to the chase. Due to a special setup, we got matter out of previously non-materialized energy. My Big Bang theory is called the Big Whisper theory, using the same scientific data, but more complex in structure. I added a link describing it below. We got the ultimate (1) out of what was a slightly different (1) before but that is now the ultimate (0) viewed from the new (1). Together they are our reality: two very special parts.
Let me use money as the more mundane example. We created money. It is an artificial entity of no actual value. Yet when enough people gave power to this created entity, it has become very valuable and impossible to ignore. Money can be seen as the most valued aspect in our ordinary lives; it is needed to support those we love the most.
Money exists both outside the commodity and is identical to the commodity. Keeping a horse, for instance, can reasonably be expressed in money. The horse and the money can be seen as one, while at the same time they can be seen as separate.
The greater point is that there is an additional intrinsic reality possible, and that we truly have two realities at the same time. In the actual reality (matter) we can have additional realities that make (parts of) matter have zero value.
I hate the following example, but it is valid by itself. I just need to point to Tent City, USA, to make the statement obvious that those with actual material value can be seen to have no value. Yes, it is a sick example.
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I was not satisfied with how you treated capitalism, John, and I am going to try using it to show that the overall structure of (1) and (0) is a pyramid. It’s not a perfect example, but I hope you see it.
Capitalism is a money-based reality that affects reality throughout. Next to capitalism we have a different form of power, called politics. Politics influences how capitalism influences our lives (through organization and the lack thereof).
The political reality of our planet is that there are four political systems. They are capitalistic one-party system, capitalistic two-party system, capitalistic three-to-five party system, and capitalistic six-and-more party system.
The one-party and the two-party systems are the most outspoken ones, blunt in their forms of organization. Like the Rubin’s Vase we can place them in opposite locations, but we can twist and shout about who’s the best. Perceptions can make folks support one over the other, till death does us part.
The two other systems are more refined, seem to be taking care of everyone in society better. Yet they are not as outspoken in their policies and are therefore relegated to the sideline in dictating how capitalism functions. I am thinking, for instance, about the Scandinavian countries. Note, how they can do really well economically, but we will agree that Wall Street and the Central Bank of the US are far more global players than the stock market in Stockholm or the Central Bank in Denmark.
Together these four forms of political organization create a pyramid in which the name tag capitalism can be placed in top. In top, we have an artificial reality — money — while below at ground level we have four distinct players as the corners of the pyramid.
Inside, we have the human value in light of money. While this internal reality has a center indeed, that center is not the standard of capitalism. In the center, the forces can create an equilibrium in which no one is better. The pull of the center is negligible.
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I use the pyramid for the four forces in nature as well. I subdivide the electromagnetic force back into the electric force and the magnetic force, and place them as two corners in the pyramid of forces. The two other corners are the weak-nuclear and the strong-nuclear forces, also opposite each other. Inside, gravity is that force that exists within the ensemble of forces. Basically, gravity is then the synergistic outcome of the other forces.
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(1) and (0) are and are not a duality. There are five (or six if you wish) different linear realities. But I need to stop; this has become a long reply already.
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Here is the first of two articles about the alternate theory, using the exact same data as used to come to the Big Bang theory. The second article (not shown) is about alternatives to this alternate theory, focusing on the catapult aspect that does not exist in the Big Bang theory.