K, deep thoughts. I appreciate that.
Free will is related directly to our possibilities, we seem to be in agreement. When we are honest with ourselves then we know that our possibilities are limited. Yet within our capabilities and possibilities there is indeed free will. Nothing is determined (given the greater limitations that cannot get changed) until we call the very moment of decision making the past.
This also shows that one does not need to know everything; rather one needs to understand the given circumstances of the smaller and larger environments actively being occupied. The smaller the environment, the greater the control and therefore choice within that smaller environment. The larger the environment, the smaller the control and therefore choice within that larger environment. Man's control ends rather quickly after leaving Earth, and even here on Earth we are controlling doom better than bliss, or so it appears.
But free will is not imaginary; it exists truly.
I am a big fan of Spinoza, but appreciate him best through the percolation of others. I understand he said that God indeed exists, but only at the abstract level. What a great insight. It reminds me of how the higher position ultimately ends up being not much more than thin air -- or how infinity ends up being not much more than a concept without any contents left.
Quantum mechanics is overrated, K. It is where matter plays its games at the smallest levels. It does not apply to the larger levels.
When rolling the dice, the outcomes may surprise us. But roll a die thirty times and the outcomes start to resemble a pattern. Roll a die ten thousand times and the overall outcome is rather predictable.
It is a bit like free will of the dice, if you will : - )
Let's take the two possibilities Lenny Bruce talked about and take this to their max. We then need to declare possibility 1 as 1, and possibility 2 as 2.
The square of 1 is 1, and the square of 2 is 4.
Their combination is a pyramid, which in my dictionary is one of the ways we can see how the universe is ruled. Again, moving up a level on the pyramid and we are getting closer to that thin air.
Or, takes two balls on a table. Place one in the center and there are then five positions to place the other ball next to it: front, back, left, right, and on top.
The same can be done with placing the other ball in the center of the table.
This gives us ten positions with two balls and a table.
Each ball may consider itself in prime position.
The ball in the center may consider itself the one controlling the situation, not letting the other ball in that spot. But the other ball may consider itself the guard of the other ball, keeping it exactly in that center location.
That gives us twenty positions with two balls and a table, because each ball can declare two values to the position it takes in: desired and not-desired.
The beauty of the human body is that the two positions are both taken in. There are two 1s. Each declares itself 1, while declaring the other 0. Prime example: we have two brain hemispheres. Each must declare the other as unimportant, otherwise it would establish strong connections immediately. Strangely enough, many folks think as if our two brain hemispheres are truly just one brain. As if God could indeed be a Cyclops.
Because there are two independent 1s, Lenny Bruce can be considered funny, but not correct.