K, it is the structure of your thoughts that is the beginning point for understanding what one can do with that structure. You are the starting point; it is not possible to think any overall thoughts that do not already contain either the Monotheistic structure or the Pantheistic structure.
So pay close attention because it appears you are not taking in exactly that minor spot of information that you are looking for.
The following is a quick example:
Decimal v. binary system. Pay attention!
The decimal system does allow us to consider the Monotheist position. One look at number 1, and we either see a unit that is already complete onto itself, or we see the whole, also complete onto itself. With decimal 1, we are automatically in the Monotheistic Realm.
The binary system, which encompasses everything numerically that the decimal system also encompasses, unfortunately does not contain the same quick pathway toward the single view. The binary system does not automatically provide us the Monotheistic position.
Look at all those 1s and 0s and you will not see the number for a unit and you will not see the number for the whole. It is not there (and as such we have the Pantheistic perspective here).
If, for instance, we take the word 'Unity' then we can see it readily in the decimal system. It is right there. Yet in the binary system it is not readily right there. We have to create it in the binary system.
For instance, if we all agree on this, then 110110001 can represent 'Unity'. As long as we agree on it, we're done. Established.
Do you see now? Every time you come up with a word, it contains not just a meaning; it contains a structural background as well.
When you are looking for the big picture, then you need to control your brain and pick the two options available to you, and follow each option to its natural conclusion.
1: Spinoza
2: Gödel
What both are saying does not contradict.
Spinoza's God is the same as declaring that the universe is (or better: contains) Energy. Declaring how all that is of existence in our universe equals Energy.
Gödel's God is found one step higher because Gödel declares that Space takes up the higher spot. So, God is found one level below Space. Only Space is Infinite.
These two positions do not contradict one another.
It is the human brain that does not realize it has to step into either position 1 or position 2 before that person can say anything intelligent.
Lastly therefore, the (positive) truth is always contents+context.
If you don't care about the context, then you will always be lost, never finding the answer, because you are then not controlling your brain.
If we follow just the contents, we will always enter a rabbit hole (of specific truths) and will then never ever see the big picture.
Blue, as the last example to provide, is truly something different in the paint store than when on the couch with the shrink.
Blue by itself is not a truthful word because we cannot know what is meant with the word. We need the circumstances in which it is used.
Contents+ Context
K, you have shown me in the past that you are quite smart. I hope you can finally get the pieces together. You need to control your brain, understand that you always start with picking a word and that all words come with their own contexts.