Let me try to point out the different system I am using.
We see both the Vase and the Two Faces of course, but if one had to be true and the other not-true, then we would have to pick one over the other.
With the image of Rubin's Vase, I hope you can follow me in the following two perspectives.
The Big Bang is the Vase, whereas the Big Whisper theory is the Two Faces.
Spacetime is the Vase, whereas the Fourth Motion is the Two Faces.
Again, the total information is the same, nothing is different, but we decide for ourselves if the truth is one or the truth is the other.
Let me also go back to starting out with original energy after which, 13.8 billion years, we end up with three different outcomes. This time, I will add Space to the list.
Original energy of one kind ended up in:
1/ Damaged energy (small part of all energy) with neutrons and protons formed by quarks.
2/ Undamaged but pulled-in energy (which adds up to being a small part of the very large remainder) with the electrons fully neutralizing the positive charges of the protons.
3/ The very large remainder (minus the energy that ended up becoming the electrons).
4/ Space.
There are then four parts that play their important material roles (I will not address Time yet).
Particularly Space is of interest.
In the Big Whisper scenario, Space is a phenomenon, which means that it is real but it does not have any attributes of its own.
That means that Space does not move, Space does not interact with matter, Space has no borders. It is real. But it is Space.
And yet, it is a very important aspect of our universe, and the Two Faces point this out quite clearly.
In the center between both Faces, we find Space. Had that Space not been there, there would have been no two separate entities, each independent of the other.
Compare this to Space in the Vase, the two areas on the sides are not essential, they are just space. There is just one actual entity, there are no independent aspects.
Allow me to state again that all matter (all energy) is on the move, and we therefore have not just a volatile start to the materialization process, but we also must place Space in the very center.
Only because a separation occurred, only then did we end up with a diverse result. The egg got broken and, only after the breakage, could the omelet be made. And what is obvious immediately is that the egg shell is not part of the omelet. The omelet is not the whole egg. The breaking is not part of the omelet and yet a requirement unlike anything else.
Evidence for Space's important role is found in the fact that there is nothing greater in the universe. Only Space is infinite. Even if there was a God indeed, then Space would still and always be greater than God. God cannot be infinite — not possible if God were possible already.
And yet Space, the only infinite reality both seen and unseen in the universe, is a phenomenon. Space is real, but has no attributes of its own.
I hope you see, André, that I am kind of recognizing the Vase in your words and questions, while in reality the lack of unity, the fundamental separation, must be understood in the Two Faces, in the Big Whisper theory. I am trying to make something clear that if you focus on an overall unity somehow, then you will not see the Big Whisper model.
I welcome further questions very much, and I hope to see in your words if I was able to impact your thinking, make things clearer to you per the Big Whisper model. This may be a longer process, and I hope you will have the patience to structurally see the Two Faces instead of the Vase in your mind.