3 min readJan 8, 2023


Let's keep it simple, Rex, but let me first say once more that I appreciate your communications.

Einstein: Spacetime

Physicists: Spacetime+

Not Einstein, but the subsequent physicists added a condition to Einstein's Spacetime. We know that Einstein recognized that because Einstein rejected an example in which the additional condition was used.

This is a structural mistake, one that is minor in essence but major in outcome.


For you and me, it means we need to agree on what Spacetime describes.

I state that Spacetime is about the behavior of matter.

The subsequent physicists added a condition for matter.

Important to note is that the added condition is truly not a behavior of matter but a condition of matter that was not considered prior.

Where we have at first one structural approach about the behavior of matter, these physicists added a structural approach about the condition of matter.

Then, they did not see what they had done because it took place in the invisible realm. A perfect plot therefore.


In the behavior of people, we do not have the disappearance of people and their continuing to behave in that environment. When people disappear, for instance because they died, they are no longer behaving, agree? They do not continue to behave in the physically invisible realm. When dead, they are no longer physical. When moved away, then they do no longer behave in the original environment.

In an analogy, New York City, Manhattan, can be seen as the culmination of people getting together and living there.

While it is true that a good number of people live in the subway system, all Manhattanites are not living underground. Collectively, they are quite visible, even at night.

While it is also true that some money and power take place in dark places, not visible to most of us, money and power are otherwise quite visible. One look at Manhattan and you can see it oozes money and power.

In the structural approach of behavior of people, an extreme culmination of people does not mean the disappearance of people. They may behave a bit more frantic, and change their behavior quite distinctly compared to rural folks, but they did not disappear. No additional condition about people disappearing and yet remaining in place is found, not for people as a collective in extremo.

The subsequent physicists created a condition in which the behavior of matter continued in a location that is invisible. And yet they brought no additional evidence; they just continued the same data to a spot where they 'discovered' the invisibility point.

They took the alphabet and added a 27th letter to it that is invisible.


I cannot stand in the shadow of these giants of science, Einstein and Maxwell. I am a structural philosopher, Rex. I am not a scientist, but science is my field of investigation.

I have a very easy time seeing structure; I saw the Structure of Everything back in 1981, and the hard part was not seeing it, but rather communicating about it with others. You don't want to hear the stories I can tell you about all the rejections I encountered.

I hope you see it now. Physicists are doing something structurally that they should not be doing, but that cannot be shown to them as incorrect. Structurally, one can make the point that one cannot turn Spacetime into Spacetime+ without additional scientific reasons/data. Structurally, it can be made visible what they made invisible. With their brains, they added a condition to matter while just working with the behavior of matter. They did not notice the structural flaw.

Thank you again for this conversation. I appreciate it much.




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