Like it or not, we are involved in discussing two models.
The major point to understand is that you have placed the Black Hole model at a higher level than it should receive. You have not acknowledged the weak spot in the Black Hole model.
As such, you place the bar for the Black Eye model at a level that exists in your mind.
You mentioned how you suck (my word) at understanding analogies, so you can't entertain the idea that we are only reviewing the results and that when there is an unknown involved that we then automatically have two models that can both be correct with the exact same evidence.
So, I experience a barrier that happens to exist at your side. You are not neutral in your observations; you are already biased beforehand.
A neutral observer would agree that when a nation behind an iron curtain raises its minimum wage to $20 an hour, but we cannot see who was responsible for that increase, that we then have two models to pick from:
1. A dictator set that minimum wage, and the dictator is then the single person to attribute this wage increase, or...
2. A collective of parties or interest groups made a collective (i.e. democratic) decision. In this second option, there is no single individual that made the specific decision. Rather, it is the result of a group process.
As long as you cannot see that we do not need a singular mass in the center to explain the resulting gravitational outcomes, I will not be able to communicate well with you. A closed mind is not my preferred communication partner.
That would be like talking to a man who says that women are inferior to men. I have no respect for such a person because that person lacks intelligence.
When two models are available and they are not identical, then their values can nevertheless still be identical. Yet their values are then self-based and not based on specific individuals having made the decision which model is superior and which one is inferior.
The one point I keep providing is that Occam's razor favors the Black Eye model because gravity is the only feature that is invisible in the model; there is no event horizon in the Black Eye model.
If you have specific questions about the Black Eye model, do ask. I will provide the answer. But bring on your not-super scientific approach and you will not receive a reply, since it would take four years before you would see the model that way. You need to ask the questions, so I can answer your questions. Don't ask generic scientific questions. Tell me what your brain does not yet see.