Maybe so, Edward, but the UK has seen its riots plenty. Compared to other Western European nations, the UK has its problems with poverty and the rich taking so much more.
UK CEO's making 109 times the average worker.
This other report says it is 201 times:
USA CEO's making 265 times the average worker in that same list, while the following article says it is 670 times the average worker.
The CEO's in the other European countries are not in the same range. There will always be differences, but nations with two-party systems give more to the top. Lesson: we need to get better democracies in place in the UK and the USA.
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About the USA, we are changing the way we are voting. We want more parties and we will work on it until the duopoly is broken.
FairVote USA is helping out with some cities now incorporating a partly-proportional voting system. Nothing perfect, kind of immature still, but the sign of a start.
Local Revolutions grassroots organization simply states that we should already have Thomas Jefferson's clean voting system in our cities and likely also for our State elections. They are demanding city governments implement his voting system.