Mechanically, we cannot have an original 100% state become a secondary distinct yet still 100% state, and not have this return to the original state in less than two seconds.
The only mechanical option to end up with a material result is when the original state ended splitting itself in fundamentally distinct parts. There are no other mechanical options available (with the last option something from nothing, which is simply childish).
Matter cannot be the whole story, and when we look at matter itself we already see two distinct aspects to matter.
We have neutrons and protons (from quarks), and we have the reaction to the positive charges of the protons to ensure the overall outcome remained neutral in charge.
A: we have damaged original energy (the quarks who combined into neutrons and protons at first opportunity, ie. the CMBR), and B: we have the negative electrons.
Then, we have C: immaterial energy -- not damaged, not pulled into the damaged environment, yet catapulted outwardly 13.8 billion years ago as well.
The immaterial original Vase broke some 13.8 billion years ago, and the largest piece we are still connected in is the Milky Way. The Milky Way is not connected to the rest of the universe in any substantial manner.