Model A, planet pulls with net-1. At the center, there's net-zero.
Hooray, we agree.
Model B, a force without mass in the center, has in that center net-zero as well, yet net-1 is found right next door to it. Then, further out this net-1 subsides all the way until it averages out.
Do you finally see Model B now?
You disliked the Eye of the Storm, but we do see the mass (planet Earth) not in the center, but rather next to it?
Then, the entire wind force (at the surface of the planet) establishes the following in force:
Net-zero in its center
Net-1 exactly right next to it
Stormy conditions slowly peter out the further we get away from the center of the Storm.
Do you finally see the model?
When there is no mass, then the Net-1 position is found right next to the Net-zero in the center.