It is very easy to show what is going on in a model.
Maelstroms are dangerous outcomes of forces associated with water. In front of the Norwegian coast, these whirlpools of water are notorious; over the centuries, they have cost peoples their lives. These water phenomena occur when water tries to move into all directions, away from the center.
While maelstroms are perhaps in reality not funnels, they establish an environment in which a depression can be found as seen with the image above (or in this image of Saltstraumen, the world’s strongest maelstrom). The ‘funnel’ does not drive itself awfully deep into the water, yet is observable nevertheless. Perfect conditions (such as found in a laboratory) can indeed produce a deeper funnel in a water environment.
A depression occurs in the center when the conditions are just right.
Another image that is based on a force, but this time with a wind force, shows the ‘funneling’ effect much clearer. The Eye of the hurricane is a funneling outcome sometimes clearly visible from space. The center of the storm opens up, and a depression of major qualities is produced in the Eye. These air phenomena occur when air is pulled into all directions, away from the center.
Interestingly, the Eye does not contain much wind force itself. Also, the funnel is not found in the center itself. Rather, the funnel is found with the Wall of the Eye. The wind force is maximized right at the Wall. Despite popular views that the Eye is the worst of the storm, it is actually the Wall of the Eye that is the real monster. No Eye ever produced any harm. It was the Wall of the Eye that did the worst damage.
Since the results are more pronounced with wind force than with water force, the following can be made clear in more obvious ways.
Ordinary highs and lows of air pressure on the planet are themselves evenly higher or lower in specific outcomes all across the globe. However, the depressions seen with the Eye of the Storm are extreme events. The low is extremely low. Interestingly, no positive counterpart to this depression was ever produced on the planet. As such, we have a singular outcome in extremo that does not exist in the opposite, positive or high, direction.
Water is heavier than air, and as such, the whirlpool outcome effects are moderated in the environment of matter that holds way more mass. The air is lighter, so the resulting outcomes can become stronger.
What happens to a truck that is parked on the roadway and a Hurricane’s Eye comes right over it?
Depending on the strength of the storm, the heavy truck will get lifted up and planted elsewhere. It matters for the truck’s trajectory flying through the sky what part of the Eye hit the truck. The truck could be pushed sideways just a bit and not much more; the truck could be lifted up and be thrown around parts of the circle along with the Wall of the Eye; also, the truck could be lifted up higher and higher until it falls inward to the Eye itself, where there is no wind force holding it up.
A galaxy is held together by gravity (though most of the collective nature of the galaxy is explained by all moving in the same singular direction at their fastest speed through space). Some declare that dark matter is involved, yet that would then state that dark matter is real (which is potentially correct). Let’s look at the galaxy first from the perspective of what the model is showing.
The Milky Way contains about 100 billion star masses. That’s a lot of gravitational force, and we can associate this with the swirling, circular motion of the Milky Way. Obviously, all this gravitational pulling by each mass will have a collective effect in the center of the galaxy. We will find a maelstrom in the center, whether we like it or not.
Where water was much heavier than air, the gravitational force is not based on matter but rather can be seen as a ‘byproduct’ of matter. As such, it is lighter than light. It is the massless ‘product’ of a mass. This gravitational phenomena occurs therefore with masses pulling on the galaxy’s center, putting an enormous pull in place into all directions, away from that center.
- Since this discusses a pure force, and one found in enormous quantities, the result will be a bit more extreme.
Instead of having a major depression of tremendous qualities in place, capable of pulling you under, there is no spatial boundary that pulls the maelstrom into one direction. Instead, the outcome will be a doubling of maelstroms. Like a wheel with a spoke right through it, two maelstroms come out that large galactic ‘wheel’. The black hole jets.
Important to note is that the center of the galaxy does not have a barrier next to it, unlike the Hurricane with an entire planet Earth sitting right next door, limiting its bi-directionality to just that one away from the ground. This can be expressed more or less as the Eye being placed perpendicular onto the planet and the storm then having a 90 degree angle from sky to ground level.
Not so for a galaxy. The Eye of the enormous gravitational depression will have a 180 degree playing field, with two ends sticking out perpendicularly.
- Any ‘celestial truck’ entering the Wall of this storm will either be taken on a long circular ride or on a partial ride. We can potentially see the ‘celestial truck’ follow the circle, the ellipse, the parabola or the hyperbola in the outcome.
Yet the ‘celestial truck’ can also fall toward the center. All of a sudden, there is no gravitational force anymore. It entered the net-zero spot. The ‘celestial truck’ could potentially stay there, yet it is more likely that it will end up bumping to the other side of the Wall, on the inside that is. It will most likely not puncture the Wall and come through whole on the other side. Instead, this ‘celestial truck’ will likely get pulverized, slowly or quickly, depending on how often it gets hit by the inside of the Wall.
The debris of celestial masses pulverized inside the black hole, or black eye is perhaps a better term, this debris will come out through the jets. This may be a perfectly perpendicular exit toward both sides. Yet the essence of the funneling pathway is that this is not-involved in the circular motion of the gravitational depression; it’s part of the depression. The pathway floats toward the outer perpendicular regions, the net-zero reality of the now distant center still in place until the jet plume dies out. Gravity is not the main aspect for these jets, though in the image above gravity does appear to establish some side-way pull (but could be explained by the mechanical motion of the entire galaxy as it is moving through space, collectively).
Most debris will get ejected sideways immediately with parts of the debris thrown straight back into the galactic disk while other parts may get thrown or scattered in any direction. In all, it will be hard to detect these small particles thrown in all directions. The jets are far easier to spot because more of the debris ended up collecting there.
Now, let’s tackle the known scientific models about black holes. Not any in-depth review because that attracts attention toward the details where one can get stuck in the mud with the details. Here are some aspects just from the larger model perspective.
First off, it is strange that a mass would be acceptable to scientists when the mass cannot be shown to exist scientifically. After all, the event horizon is an essential aspect of the ‘scientific’ model, meaning the mass is scientifically out of reach itself.
Something that is a thing because of something that is hidden behind a curtain that cannot be opened, that is suspiciously a bad model.
Scientists came up with their conclusions long before the actual data came around. The conclusions were produced on paper first. Then, with the discovery of what I bluntly call here the gravitational depressions of enormous proportions, they recognized them as their anticipated black holes.
Subsequently, no one is looking to check if the Black Hole is in reality a Black Eye, without a mass in the center, no event horizon other than the Wall of the gravitational Storm.
I am reminded of the Wizard of Oz who was perceived as rather mighty. That is, until Dorothy pulled away the curtain and a regular joe (in charge of a mighty impressive machinery of mass-control) became visible. Exposing the Wizard did not help Dorothy, until the story came to a good end when she clicked both her heels together, as in: Understood! I got the picture!
Looking at another model, a binary star system will have three gravitational centers.
Naturally, both masses circle each each other. The greater mass causes the smaller mass to do the greater circling.
Yet there are three gravitational centers in this image indeed. The center that is found with the larger mass, the center that is found with the smaller mass, and the center found in between these stars, known as the barycenter of net-zero force.
No one would think there is an invisible mass hiding in the barycenter.
Hold that thought while moving on to a five-star system. Instead of three, we now have six gravitational centers. More stars are circling the barycenter, which would indicate that the pull on the center grew stronger. Nevertheless, the exact center is still net-zero.
So, is there no increase in the exact center when there are more stars circling it?
Obviously, there will be a greater force exerted on that center. The exception is the middle of all that pulling. It will end up presenting an exact net-zero spot whether there are twenty stars in a system or 100 billion stars. The center will be net-zero, yet the net-zero center gets increasingly smaller the more stars are found in a system. The surrounding force will be like a Wall of enormous proportions. The gravitational depression will be the greatest in the galaxy.
Nearly the last model, a view on an image captured of a Black Eye.
Imagine being a photon, a nearly completely massless energized particle floating through space. It arrives at the Wall of the gravitational depression like a butterfly encountering the Wall of the Eye of the Hurricane. It gets swatted out of the way.
No photon can make it through the Wall. The net-zero center will be black due to the lack of photons coming through.
The light around the Black Eye, the donut, are all swatted photons coming into our direction so they can be seen.
Notice how photons are not expressed until they are observed. We do not see any photons that are not coming into our direction.
Lastly, the trick of the mind.
In this Rubin’s Vase visual, one can see, rather with ease, both outcomes of seeing a Vase or seeing Two Faces.
Note how the data is the same. It is the mind that can focus on one and not the other, and vice versa.
Same for a Black Hole or a Black Eye.
One can think it is all a Vase, and explain the Vase via an event horizon.
Or one can think there is exactly nothing in the center, because otherwise the Two Faces could not be two separate faces.
Not much matter is found in a maelstrom. Things get pulled under.
Still, an eddy can collect leaves. The Sun is mostly light-weighted materials.
Astronomic maelstroms are real.
The greater the spin, the more certain we can be that there is no matter collected in the center.