My pleasure reading your work, Tony, for you describe things well as they stand.
But allow me to reply and point something out to you. I hope you take this as the small nudge I intend it to be, while I warn you that I am using big words.
It is common to work with concepts to describe reality as we see it, yet this is actually where miscommunication can occur.
Concepts often contain values and ideas, and yet there is no guarantee they touch the ground. Religion, of course, a prime example, because where is the beef. Still, other concepts are hard to pin down and depending on who we are and what we are trained to see (!), concepts end up meaning different things to different people.
As such, I am very happy that you tie your voting recommendation to planet Earth, because with that connection our reality is truly in focus. But... you should also tell voters to not vote democratic since they are destroyers of the environment, among other things.
Both a good job and a further communication with you therefore.
Let me contrast the following with your reasoning: When believing in God, one should also focus on planet Earth because it is, well, God-given. If we have a God-given brain, then we should also use it and stop ourselves from burning down the place we inhabit, right?
What I am trying to say is that we must be very careful connecting two concepts that are not really connected.
I know you can take the critique because you are a smart man, and you are famous in my view of the world.
The Greeks, when they use the word Theo (as used in our word theory), they mean God, but they then also mean a God that is somehow tied to the ground (hence that word theory). In the Western European sense, we established a God that exists next to our reality, which is of course non-sense; it cannot be. But a God that is inherent to our reality but larger and different than our reality? Well, that is rather possible, scientifically.
We lost our way with words, just like we lost our way with concepts, just like we lost our connection to our higher realities. By making words mean whatever we want them to mean, we lost the connection with the real word.
Just saying.
Other than that. You are a good writer and I agree with most you have to say. Oh, and yes, you are a better writer than I am : - )