Nice try, Tim.
While you are shuffling concepts instead of dealing with the actual stuff, you are also getting close to the actual stuff.
The one mistake you are making is that you are working with a single overall concept for the universe. That is a mistake. An undivided origin for matter is not how a divided outcome can come about.
Let me sum it up in a simple expression: When saying that people are created in the image of God, then it would be very foolish to build a statue of a Cyclops and then saying that this represents God.
Remove the Cyclops from your thinking, and you'll get the right answers.
My article 'Two Close Systems, Not One' is an example how to move forward:
Lastly, and I have mentioned this before, when rolling a die once, we do not know the outcome beforehand. But if we roll that same die one million times then we know for a fact that 3 will show up on top one-sixth of the times.
Uncertainty and certainty are both included in the material universe that originated from immaterial energy with irreperable damage occurring to some at the end of the prior state of the universe.