Nice write-up, Sakshi, but you do the same I have seen many before you do. You equate democracy with the version you were brought up in. You do not distinguish between the two forms of democracy at all. And they are very different. Your version is very susceptible for fascists creep, while the other version of democracy has a better handle on those with fascist ideals.
Winner-take-all is most susceptible for extreme approaches, while also having a hard time finding that all important middle ground. There is often just one or just two major parties and all interests must be expressed through them, or they are not expressed at all. That means, for instance in the US, that there is a Red and a Blue Party, but there is no option for the Yellow political needs to come about; they are repressed.
Repressed political needs end up creeping into one or both parties (often not at the same time), and in the US lately, Yellow has been creeping into the Red Party, turning it Orange. Long story short, there is no fool-proof anchor in this political system because parties sway between the need to win the majority and the need to address what has not been addressed by previous administrations.
In the other version of democracy with equal representation, there are fascists as well, but they are able to vote in their own people as their own party (among many parties). They do not need to warp because in this system all get who they voted for. In general, the extreme right and the extreme left tend to be fairly small and can be kept outside most governments, while the discussion with fascist groups is held in the open, in public. Some of their grievances can get addressed and as such the group remains small-ish.
I hope that next time you use the word democracy that you think twice. There is the exclusive democracy in which you live, and there is the inclusive democracy that you probably do not know from the inside out.
Here is my latest article: Why Minorities Embrace Winner-Take-All: