Nicely written. But what Trump made obvious is that our system is bizarre. We have a Red and Blue only system, and the suppression of Yellow is not good for us all. Yellow infiltrated Red and turned it Orange.
The left has the same issue. Yellow wants to move in and while it wants to truly be Yellow all it can achieve is turning Blue Green.
We are neither a dictatorship (one expressed color) nor a democracy (three expressed colors). Just because Trump warped Red and made a mess out of it does not mean Yellow is satisfied or won't come back.
Yellow represents all the people that the two-party system does not care about. Red and Blue are incapable of giving Yellow what it needs, and even with handing out some Orange and Green the two regular parties are halfhearted. In light of Yellow, our system is a fake democracy.
Did you know that the winner in our system is always the Losing Party. Not lying. Always.