No idea where you are going with this, Benjamin. You are sweeping extremely broad concepts and come to the conclusion that "we need to become fully anti-natural beings in psychological terms"?
We need to master our mindsets. Yes, we do. But we do not master our mindsets by painting one group as dumb and the other group as smart.
We master our mindsets by understanding the structures of our minds. In your case, I'd say recognizing that your thinking contains scales all the time, with one end winning out (being better) from the other end (being undesired).
We need to recognize our natures, otherwise we can never be free in our minds. In our bodies, we are our natures. There are two levels, inside ourselves, and they are not engaged in a full connection; they operate each at their own level. So, becoming demi-gods is the highest we can achieve. Your mind is very mature, but your mind is still not fully free.