Not sure if you are right. The Republicans may be in sync with what is really happening, while the Democrats just want to get things right (and probably try to but don't get most of it right). I am not saying the Republicans are on target; they are famously the party to not get things done.
I think they are telling us something about us. I think Trump was telling us something about us. I think we are trying to tell ourselves something more important than who gets to be president.
Sometimes, there are moments in history more important than business as usual. They are pivotal moments, transformative moments. I think we're in one. And we're in one because things are not right anymore.
In my view, our 18th century system is totally old. We have a President (aka a king taking turns every four years) and we have Two Parts to Congress (great, a fantastic way to get not that much done; just double the house where the decisions are made), and we vote in ways so the majority of the group can silence the minority of the group.
We have an old system, inherited, being told it's the best thing the world has ever seen, while we all know others have better systems and are actually happier than we are.
The truth is that in our voting system the winner is the Losing Party.
Strangely, this is true. The largest group of voters (out of three groups) are the ones that did not pick the winner, while the two other groups are voters splitting the winners. The breakdown is 40%, 30% and 30%.
We silence 40% of the voters in this nation. They are fed up. They couldn't express themselves and they forced their way in through the Republican Party, dressed up like the Republican Party, almost behaving like the Republican Party, but not the same as the Republican Party.
If we have a Blue Party and a Red Party, then they are our yellow needs expressed in the Red Party, turning it orange.
But the real truth is that they are yellow, and there is no yellow in our voting system. We don't have that. Nations with the happiest people in them have yellow. We do not.
Republicans still don't get it because the Democrats still don't get it they are not Republicans. They are Americans wanting freedom, blurting it out in the strangest ways with a bunch of hoodlums going all out plundering the capitol as if we are still in the Middle Ages, or at war.
A true democracy we are not.
How to express desiring more freedom when Red and Blue are not willing to give us more freedom? How to overthrow a regime when the regime says they are not a regime?
We need that USA 2.0 upgrade now. Actually, make that a few decades ago.