Or... we can make our society better right here from a structural perspective.
The Founding Fathers concentrated powers x1 for the Federal level, so we would be a strong nation that would withstand foreign enemies and extreme internal conflicts.
Then, they also wrote for all to see that rights retained by the people should not be denied or disparaged.
Yet that did not happen unfortunately.
The powers that be concentrated powers x3.
The States should have used Thomas Jefferson's clean voting system (the system they are using in Scandinavia is very similar).
Yet the States concentrated powers x2 for their State elections, and then they concentrated powers x3 for city and county elections.
The State powers that be are responsible for turning the United States into a two-party system, while the Founding Fathers did not envision a two-party system. The State powers that be were so afraid of Thomas Jefferson's clean voting system that they made it verboten for cities and counties as well.
They did everything in their power so no one would ever get acquainted with Thomas Jefferson's clean voting system. They did not want fair elections and full representation; they wanted elections with just winners in the seats only and the losers then not present. They concentrated powers x3.
While the States can declare for themselves how to hold elections, the States cannot declare that for cities and counties, because that is actually the realm where the People have US Constitutional powers. The State cannot deny or disparage the People in that realm; they are not given US Constitutional powers to deny US Constitutional powers of others.
So, come join the good battle if you want to live in a better nation. We start small, just with your city or county.
Let us know which place you live in and we will send a Constitutional Invocation to your city or county. The first thing to do is letting them know that they are holding local elections that violate the US Constitution.
Come join if you want some of what they have in Scandinavia.