Our democracy is a doughnut. There is a big hole in the center because we can only pick Red or Blue. We don't have Yellow in our political system, but of course there are plenty of 'yellow' political needs that remain unaddressed. I bet any single person in the US can name a couple of political issues that are not addressed by our politicians. Together, there is an enormous laundry list of political issues not addressed in our nation. A big hole.
As I see it, Trump represents some of the right-side yellow issues. Walking this Yellow into the Red Party, he colored it Orange. But Yellow exists everywhere we look in our nation, left, right, up and beyond our own neighborhoods.
What is really sad is that we are still not looking into the mirror ourselves. We call ourselves the land of the free and home of the brave, but we have this pathetic 18th century two-party system nobody talks about. Everyone is looking for a leader to make it better for us, but no one does anything.
All of us, we can start voting for candidates that promise voter reform. Proportional voting can be put in place at the local level very easily - if enough voters go for it. District elections restrict us. We are not allowed to vote according to our natural political numbers; we must pick a red or a blue candidate; we are politically not emancipated, still residing in the house of Mom&Dad, still not allowed to say what we want to say for real.
Our education is limited to regurgitating what was regurgitated to us. We never hear anyone talk about voter reform, making our nation have a real democracy. And then folks start voting for Trump, because he is that Yellow, turning one party into something else. Sad. We cannot be ourselves politically.
Did you know the Losing Party has always been the winner in our system? Strange, but true.