Paper, Rock, Scissors

5 min readApr 30, 2023


How Science is the Rock, and Structural Thinking is the Paper.

Photo by Anunay Mahajan on Unsplash

The issue with physicists is that they believe (!) that science is the highest discipline among all disciplines. They are mistaken.

Where science can be seen as the Rock, Structural Thinking is the Paper that can envelope the Rock.

It becomes difficult to communicate this to physicists because they do not tolerate anyone next to them, let alone above them.

Let’s discuss the example of some physicists desiring to explain where matter came from, declaring it came forth from nothing.

With this, we have a Rock representing a scientific position and now the Paper of Structural Thinking will be wrapped all around it.

To dig in, let’s start with pointing at the largest structure of Science to warm up the mind.

  • Science follows a bottom-up approach, based on data and evidence.

With Science, we start collecting evidence at the (very) specific levels, and then slowly we move our way up to the larger realms of Science to see the larger views. Based on small pieces of evidence, we can often build larger perspectives and theories.

Unfortunately, something goes awry on our way to the scientific top, and scientists themselves are not fully aware of what is going on.

As soon as we try to complete the big picture, based on all specific details we have, then Gödel tells us that we will never be able to find a Completeness at that overall level.

  • Mathematically, there is no Mathematical 1 at the largest level. It does not exist.

So, let’s look again at what physicists are doing when they declare that matter came forth from nothing.

When physicists think about the big picture, they jump to that big-picture level, and that specific jump is not allowed in science.

In theories, we can declare the larger view indeed, and hopefully we have a lot of scientific data to support these theories. However, to start out with Nothing as the given a priori, that is not a scientific theory. The big surprise is that we find a religious position instead because we place the nothing position first and we have no scientific data to support that move.

Let’s discuss the structure of religion.

In religion, there is no problem starting with the big picture. We can put God there, or Nature, or the Balance of Everything, whatever you fancy. From that specific top level, we can look down at the lower levels, and we can see how all is included in that one large unified single starting point at the biggest level.

  • Religion is structurally top-down. There is no problem at all starting with the Big Item, however we formulate it, as long as we declare it a religious position.

Science is not based on religion. The top-down view of religion is therefore not available for scientists. That is the whole point. Physicists are not aware that they are partaking in a certain structural setup, and they think that they can do whatever pleases them structurally.

  • Physicists think the Rock is theirs and nothing can envelope the Rock.
  • Some of them desire to use a starting point of Nothing at all, and then have matter come forth from that Nothing.
  • This is a scientific Faux Pas; it is a religious starting point. Physicists entertaining the idea are thinking like priests.
  • The Rock is enveloped by the Paper.

Another structure that physicists are not mastering well is the idea that a 100% prior situation can end up becoming a 100% new situation, and that this new situation can remain in place, just like that, for instance, for 13.8 billion years.

Anything that is of a 100% reality and this then morphing into a distinctly other 100% reality will automatically revert back to the original 100% reality. This will actually happen rather quickly.

Again, the Rock is fully enveloped by the Paper. The structure of the scientific setup is not available. The Paper envelopes what cannot be, making it invisible.

An original setting will either remain what it essentially is from its starting point, or it will return rather quickly if and when that original setting morphed into something else. It will not remain 100% something else for long; for mere seconds it may hang out, being distinct, and then it will revert back to what it essentially is.

Physicists are not good in structural thinking, plus they believe they are the kings of the hill at all time. They are not.

Structural Thinking takes the lead in explaining where matter came from. Structural Thinking has delivered the structural answer already.

Only a full undermining of the original state can be structurally correct when we witness a distinct and relatively stable outcome.

  • If we start out from a single reality, then the existence of matter declares that a secondary reality got created (for whatever reason). There is no longer any Mathematical 1, except as potential starting point.

The result we live in can only maintain its status when parts of the original state became expressed as matter, and ended up existing in a self-based state. No 100% transformation is possible, no starting from nothing is possible. The original state encountered a very serious mishap and parts ended up being damaged.

The Paper envelopes the Rock completely. The structure how matter came to be is not from nothing, and it is not from everything. It is from parts of what existed originally.

The structure how matter came to be occurred after a fundamental undermining of the structure of the original state of the universe. From One, there are now Two Levels.

Many physicists may be scratching their heads right about now because they were not trained in Structural Thinking, so they can’t see what is going on. Their only options from training are to accept or reject, and their training tells them to reject anything not based on evidence. Meanwhile, they can’t reject the nothing because they can’t recognize it as a religious position.

Physicists are not good at thinking structurally; they have no clue what to do with the Paper; they like their Rock so much better.

What Gödel showed us is that we find truths at the specific level, but we cannot bring these truths with us to the overall level and let these truths be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

  • For example, all males in the world show us a certain truth, and yet that truth cannot be brought up to the level of all human beings.
  • Similar example, but now with all females, shows us that specific truths cannot be applied to all human beings.
  • Even when we start out with all truths about males & females, we cannot find common ground at the overall level. We will have to apply fig leaves to Adam and Eve to make both the same, meaning: human beings. We have to lift both people up to a generic level to overcome the specific level of reality.
  • Gödel is victorious: There is never a Completeness at the overall level.

We can find unification with parts of Everything, but we can never find unification with Everything. The position of a Mathematical 1 is structurally not available at the overall level.




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