Politics is always about power. Absolutely true. And there is nothing more essential than how we organized ourselves to deal with power. The news? We are not a democracy. We only have two parties. The good news is that we are not a dictatorship, but we are not a full-color democracy. A basic color copier has more colors in it than our voting system delivers.
Did you know that the winner in our 18th century system is always the Losing Party? It sounds strange, but it is actually true.
We cannot express all our political issues in our voting system because we are forced to enter via the Red door or via the Blue door.
Minority? Forget getting your natural full power in this system. Any group getting 49.9% can still be the loser, remaining unrepresented. One in eight Americans is African American, and in a real democracy that would mean there are between ten and fifteen African American Senators. You laugh, right? But that is how the Losing Party is the largest group of voters, ending up not being represented.
Change is actually easiest at the local level. Start voting for candidates that promise voting reform. As soon as we get proportional voting at the local level, we can learn how the real democracy works. The local level is a safe place to learn how that works. Districts restrict us. Minorities are underrepresented in district voting. Vote for electoral change to get your power expressed.