2 min readDec 31, 2021


QM and GR are two sides of a coin. To make them both fit one side of a coin is what Einstein would have called making things too simple.

One look at QM and we see a charged subatomic reality.

One look at GR and we see a neutral overall outcome, no charges.

Who in the whole wide world would want to make these two realities fit one reality? Scientists have a child's wish. They do not want to understand reality; they want reality to fit their ideas. They are wagging the dog.

I love how you describe Weinstein not receiving much attention. It happens to so many people. Yes, I am sure there are crackpot theories out there, but I also see how the good can get thrown out with the bad.

Scientists today are doing something inverted.

It starts with Einstein and his spacetime. Brilliant of course, because where prior everyone was shot down as soon as they tried to lift an actual roof off the ground to place it on the scientific building, Einstein placed a theoretical roof on the building -- a perfect fit. It never left the ground because it was a theory right to begin with.

Einstein has been revered for very good reasons.

Yet next scientists started to place his 'roof' theory on the ground and turned it into the 'foundation' theory. They inverted it, to the objection of Einstein.

Instead of pointing it skyward, Einstein should have pointed it toward Earth, toward matter. He did not see it, while it is actually easy to see.

* Earth's gravity and spin

* Solar System's gravity and Earth's revolution

* Milky Way's gravity and Earth dancing along in the circular movement

* Milky Way's and Earth's fastest speed, away from where matter originated

This fourth movement is not gravity based. We have therefore two realities that account for matter's behavior. Mercury's adjustments are explained by the collective motion of the Milky Way still continuing on that outbound movement that began in the catapulting action of the materialization process.

The worst part is of course that physicists used Einstein's spacetime willy-nilly. The one tiny little mistake Einstein made (by itself truly unimportant) got magnified in the inverted model, so now the most essential aspects of understanding the universe are based on incorrect models.

If interested.

To understand this simple equation of 1 + x = 1, one has to accept that when saying that Energy does not get lost that this means that Energy does not get lost. Anyone asking proof where energy came from is not paying attention to Energy does not get lost.




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