Understanding the quarks means understanding the universe.
Quarks come in six flavors: up, down, charm, strange, top and bottom.
Notice how in the image there are six pyramids. That is all that is needed to explain the six quark distinctions in an abstraction. Plus, get ready for a lot of words to explain it all.
Quarks are distinct from one another, yet they are all energy. Because quarks cannot exist all by themselves (they exist in combinations only), we know that they got forged under extreme conditions.
The cube provides an abstract and rather specific view on what could have happened. The cube does not show the larger setup, but rather the (sub)subatomic level. It is a minuscule compartment of energy that existed temporarily in a much larger setting of extreme tensions.
- The abstract cube is therefore full of tension.
For the six parts to have become energized differently, two different energy directives were experienced, delivered by the overall setting. The first directive in the cube is from-top-to-bottom, indicating an increase in pressure and, as second directive, a side-way motion from-left-to-right. More on these two directives later.
Let’s step back a bit to explore the larger, overall setting first.
In the Big Whisper model (a Big Bang model simpler than the Lambda-CDM model), matter did not derive from the center of the materialization process. Rather, matter derived from Zone 2, from around the center.
- An enormous pressure buildup had occurred at the end of the immaterial epoch.
Zone 2 is located around Zone 1, and both areas of energy experience the brunt of the enormous pressure buildup. What distinguishes Zone 2 from Zone 1 is that friction can occur in Zone 2. There is no friction for Zone 1; it is simply stuck in place with maximum pressure applied to it from all around.
Meanwhile, Zone 3 is the largest of the three zones, located around Zone 2, and Zone 3 is much involved in building up the inward pressure as well. Yet Zone 3 itself is not under enormous pressure, except for the area close to Zone 2.
That is the larger setting in which the quarks got created. The overall situation is one of collective inward motion; energy in the largest Zone 3 is applying inward pressure. The energy areas of Zone 2 and Zone 1 are under increasing pressure, with Zone 1 in the center fully stuck in place.
The surprise is perhaps that the quarks derived from Zone 2 only.
Obviously, one must accept first that there was immaterial energy indeed. In this article, immaterial energy is a given. The setup is such that energy in Zone 2 experienced not one but two distinct directions it had to follow.
- Collective inbound pressure (involving Zone 1, Zone 2, and Zone 3)
- Side-way action (involving just Zone 2)
The torque or side-way action occurred just in Zone 2. Due to the continuing inward pressures exerted particularly by Zone 3, the energy of Zone 2 is put in a spot where that immaterial energy is nevertheless not locked in place fully. Through this continued pressure, like a squeezing action, Zone 2 started to churn, moving sideways. For sure, energy in Zone 1 was not budging at all, stuck in place.
The immaterial energy of Zone 2 got churned into a quark soup.
This is the beginning of the end of the immaterial epoch. Keep in mind that for now the quark soup of Zone 2 is still under enormous pressure. The outbound motion will in reality follow shortly but, in this article, the focus is foremost on how the six quarks got their characteristics from this extreme environment.
The primary focus in this article is on a small cube of immaterial energy found within the much larger Zone 2, with this energy both under enormous pressure and experiencing a side-way torque. Once more, this is an abstraction of that energy under enormous tension.
- Envision the collective inbound pressure on this cube as happening top-to-bottom. Had there been arrows next to the cube than up would point in the direction of Zone 3 and down would point in the direction of Zone 1. Nevertheless, this cube is just a tiny, minuscule part of Zone 2.
- Then, envision the side-way motion as left-to-right. All energy in the cube is experiencing that side-way directive.
This should make it obvious that all six pyramids inside this cube will not be directed in the same manner. Not only is there pressure to move inwardly further (direction: top-to-bottom), but the side-way torque puts additional pressure on each of the pyramids in a specific manner.
Each pyramid of energy receives its set of directions in a distinguished manner.
Let’s follow the red pyramid first to figure out how tension is occurring within. The energy in this pyramid will be part of that overall from-top-to-bottom direction, while also experiencing pressure of the left-to-right torque from its tip of the pyramid to the plane of the red pyramid, declared as from-tip-to-plane.
Two corners of the red pyramid are in top, and the two other corners are at the bottom. Again, the pyramid’s plane is the right-side panel of the cube.
The immaterial energy inside the red pyramid is behaving exactly as instructed by the overall collective in which it exists.
Let’s review what happened to the immaterial energy inside the green pyramid. This will likely make all these confusing directions easier to follow.
The green pyramid also has two corners in top and two at the bottom. This top-down direction indicates the pressure building up as discussed earlier for the larger setting of Zone 2.
The plane of the green pyramid is located in the cube at the opposite side where the plane of the red pyramid is located. Therefore, the green pyramid experiences the left-to-right torque from-plane-to-tip, whereas the red pyramid experiences the left-to-right torque from-tip-to-plane.
- While the torque does involve pressure, it does itself not build up pressure; this motion simply moves pressure sideways, shifting.
This side-way movement of pressure is therefore distinct from the pressure direction that occurs from the top of the cube to the bottom of the cube because that is a compounding pressure.
Once this is understood, then it should also be clear that all six pyramids will be instructed in different manners. It is the double set of instructions that establishes the six differently organized packages of energy.
Why the shape of a pyramid?
- Let’s explore further.
In 3D, there is just the cube. It has six planes, and we can declare them
up-down, left-right, front-back. Easy to see, though something is then not yet captured.
The fourth pair, in-out, is the most important spatial pair in our universe. However, these directions are not clearly mentioned in the 3D cube.
Ever since the Big Bang model was presented, it is understood that everything is moving outwardly, particularly so during the beginning periods of the Big Bang.
- There was no in. There was only out.
That is Part One of the information to describe the process why quarks are the essence for understanding our universe.
Part Two reiterates the information that quarks do not exist by themselves. Quarks are, to keep the story simple, found inside neutrons and protons. The neutrons and protons are tripartite; each outcome is based on three quarks.
This information declares that the only option for quarks to have been produced was under extreme circumstances. Quarks could not have been established under normal conditions.
Something extreme did occur, and the quarks are our immediate evidence. They were not forged under ordinary circumstances. We have to look for an extraordinary circumstance at the end of the immaterial epoch indeed.
The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, the material occurrence we can place furthest back in time, provides the best hint. At first, there was the extreme event that led to the deformation of energy in Zone 2.
When the extreme conditions stopped being extreme, when pressure finally dropped back down to normal levels again, that is the moment when the quark soup aligned — immediately — to form neutrons and protons.
The pressure dropped with the ensuing outbound motion, and dropped, and dropped, until the pressure was gone.
From that moment on, we have the material confirmation of our out. The neutrons and protons declare the immaterial epoch as ended, and they form the beginning of the material epoch.
The CMBR is the first moment when conditions are back to normal again. But… all energy was on the move by then in outbound manners, and the quarks could not return to their original shape.
What happened exactly?
A closer look, once more with focusing on the minuscule level of the abstract cube, provides the answer.
When pressure plus torque ended up being more than what the immaterial energy could follow as instruction, then the center inside the cube was the spot to break loose. The spot in the image where all four lines of red and green come together, that is where the breakage among all that tension occurred.
In this 4D image of the cube, with four lines stretching from corner to corner, the fault lines of the materialization process are shown in an abstract manner. The center need not have been the spot, but in this abstract view the center is the correct spot.
The story is slightly complex and best told from the planes toward the tips.
- The base of each pyramid is one of the six planes of the cube. In the 3D cube, the six planes play out their specific but equal parts.
- The plane of each pyramid itself, though, is the master of that specific pyramid. The plane is the area with the most volume of the pyramid, with each subsequent area a step up smaller in proportion. Therefore, the higher steps with the smaller area follow the lower steps’ directions with the greater area.
- It’s like a sturdy box compressed by weight, while also experiencing a side-way crunch. The six panels of the sturdy box got shoved around but remained intact. Yet if the cargo inside the box was of a more malleable nature, then the contents inside would be shaken more and the tearing would occur most likely right in the center of all that shaking.
Normally, if you allow me to use that word about energy in the immaterial epoch, all immaterial energy can be suggested to have been aligned with all immaterial energy. Yet, normally, there were then also no two directives, just one, and all energy followed that one directive. And normally, there was no enormous pressure as presented with Zone 1, Zone 2, and Zone 3.
Once the inward motion had started up, the fate of the immaterial epoch was sealed. A devastating silencing took place inside the process that ensured how no counter action would take place to prevent the upcoming disaster.
- Because Zone 1 ended up being compacted to the max, fully stuck in place, Zone 1 became entirely immobile due to the collective inbound motions of Zone 1, Zone 2, and Zone 3.
While at first communication would have been moving smoothly throughout the entire immaterial setting, the new condition of Zone 1, it being locked up completely, prevented any communication from Zone 1.
No transmission of any kind came out of Zone 1. No response that there was anything wrong. Nothing. Therefore, the immaterial energy of Zone 2 and Zone 3 continued their inward motion, since there was no indication that warranted stopping the collective inbound action.
It appears improper to use anthropomorphic words for this state, yet the immaterial epoch is more likely to have come to an end due to an initial pro-active process rather than due to a passive process.
Either way, pro-active or passive, the immaterial energy in Zone 2 got torn apart in an active manner. It is with the tips of the pyramids that the tearing started.
- Follow once more the exploration from larger setting to the minuscule cube.
Remember that the pressure is enormous, so the side-way torque is not appearing just by itself but truly as part of a very complex situation. The difference between these pyramid tips holding on and letting go of one another is marginal at best. The distinction is near impossible to notice. Nevertheless, the tearing motion was easy, given the extreme conditions.
A breaking apart did indeed occur, and each entire pyramid became self-based once the tip had been torn away from the other tips.
To show how the entirety of each pyramid became self-based, envision the cube multiplied ad nauseam throughout Zone 2. Then, envision a second cube next to the one shown above, and the plane of the red pyramid in the image will then abut the plane of another green pyramid from the cube next to it.
These planes sitting right next to each other do also not connect any longer. The energy in each section took a final directive from the tips of their pyramids to let go of energy that is not in accordance to the pyramid’s directives. Energy situated right next to each other split up to become part of either a red pyramid or a green pyramid. This was caused by following the directive, and not instigated through force. The parts simply let go of one another.
For the entire setting, this means that six different pyramids got established from every unit inside Zone 2. These six quarks were all energized differently.
This rearrangement of energy has major consequences for the overall setting.
Because the connections in Zone 2 had been severed, the collective inbound push (of Zone 1, Zone 2, and Zone 3) got interrupted. Energy in Zone 2 had been participating in this action together with all other energy. Yet now this Zone 2 pressure fell away and got subtracted therefore from the entire setting. With the energy of Zone 2 in disarray, it no longer contributed to the collective inbound motion.
Zone 3 and Zone 1 were still involved with this inbound motion, and Zone 1 got just a little bit of relief because Zone 2 had stopped its inbound motion.
The rest is history.
Zone 1 catapulted outwardly, releasing all its pent-up tension, taking all energy of Zone 1, Zone 2, and Zone 3 with it. Remember that the energy of Zone 1 did not become neutrons and protons.
At the CMBR, when all tension had been spent, the quark soup of Zone 2 aligned into the neutrons and protons at first opportunity. Because pressure had subsided to normal or near-normal levels, the quarks were released from that pressure and now free to form neutrons and protons.
- The deformation of immaterial energy of Zone 2 meant that the quarks could not return to how their energy existed before.
Each quark had to align with at least two other quarks to neutralize the naked fact that each plane, each pyramid of energy, was now self-based and yet incapable of maintaining itself as such.
As tripartites, the quarks would find a new balance, maintaining the directions they had been following. They established what we know as the neutrons and protons.
Interestingly, we do not see six quarks in the ordinary outcomes. Rather, in general, we can view the quarks as either up or down.
Neutrons and protons are either two up quarks or two down quarks and the third of the three quarks then the opposite of the other two. This shows how the original direction, of the larger collective inward motion involving all zones, was ultimately more important than the side-way ‘instructions’ of Zone 2.
- The collective inward push of Zone 1, Zone 2, and Zone 3 is the more important action.
While all six flavors have been confirmed, when given the opportunity, quarks end up showing their character either as an up quark or a down quark. The original top-down action, the collective inbound motion, is given the preference.
In the abstract cube with six pyramids, the inbound motion would make three of these pyramids have a downward direction and three have an upward direction. On average, that is. Half with a downward, and half with an upward direction. Recognize that the cube is an abstraction.
Establishing these new outcomes, only the neutrons succeeded without a trace of tension. The immediate combination of one up quark and two down quarks resulted in a neutral outcome without any charge.
With the protons, there are two up quarks. Due to the charge, one can recognize that a doubling of the up direction is a bit of a conflict. Let’s just say that the single down quark agreed with both others being up, no problem at all. Each up quark, however, remained upset about the other up quark.
- A balance did get put in place, yet sparks fly, so to speak. One could say that the conflict is more of an internal affair, though with some spillage.
All’s well that ends well, and the negatively charged electrons were called into existence to keep the situation further under control.
While on the outbound journey, immaterial energy of Zone 1 and Zone 3 is abundantly available to help provide the neutralizing electrons.
The universe is therefore neutral in charge overall, whereas the subatomic level is always charged.
We find two realities, and not one, in the material epoch. Charge at the specific level; no charge at the overall level.
Quarks are just like original immaterial energy, except that the quarks received their instructions under enormous duress and from two different directions. Once this energy was deformed there was no return to the original state possible. As a result, the quarks are self-based and entirely incomplete.
Where the immaterial epoch can be declared a single reality, unified in essence if you will, the material epoch contains now two realities in which unification is definitively unavailable.
We have the quarks, energy that can’t help itself being quirky, no longer cloaked but rather material. Plus we have the electrons, in the exact same number as protons.
The electrons belong to the other, original and immaterial reality, yet the positive charge of the protons forced that vast amount of immaterial energy to have just a tip of material expression poking out on this side of reality as well, with the electrons.
The quarks show us the way. We live on galactic islands of energy floating outwardly and not inwardly through space.