Representatives are one average five to ten years younger in nations with Proportional Voting -- no term limits. When the voters get sick of them, they get rid of them.
We can't.
District Voting is not an accurate voting system. The collective makes the decision, and it could therefore be called a communist form of democracy. The individual does not count, except as weight that goes to Yes, Keep or to No, Remove the incumbent.
The lucky part for us is that the Founding Fathers inserted a gift in the Bill of Rights: District Voting is not allowed.
The funny part is that the Framers had to accept separate-but-equal at the Federal level, otherwise the 13 colonies would not have become one Union.
So, the original US Constitution allowed separate-but-equal.
Then, the Framers helped establish what we know as the Bill of Rights. Anything new from that point on could NOT be based on separate-but-equal.
As we know, local officials tried to put it in place wherever they could get away with it.
At the local level, an overreach of powers was established, and it took legal rulings to boot out separate-but-equal everywhere except where not suspected.
Voting in Districts in NOT allowed at the local level. Local governments are overreaching their powers when they segregate people in districts.
Cities are not even mentioned in the US Constitution. The People are mentioned, and they are given powers. Cities are not. Cities are not State or Federal governments. The Bill of Rights applies to them fully.
There are voters right now that demand cities give up District Voting and embrace Proportional Voting. The Founding Fathers are with them.
Read all about the Local Revolutions here:
By the way, good article, Justin.