Sadly, that is not true, Drmcintyre. It would have been true if this were a democracy, but we do not have a system of full representation. We have what is called winner-take-all, so only the majority of voters are represented with their having picked someone from a (limited) choice they were offered. Next, these winners in the seats decide then also by majority what the decisions for all are going to be.
That is then most of the time a minority decision.
0.6 x 0.6 = 0.36.
Majority x majority = minority.
I hope you see where I am going. The voters are not represented well at all by their own choice, and only the minority (per the example above) directs our entire society. If they have We The People in mind, then we are good. But if they have Me, me, me in mind, then we are heading for war.
When the winners are getting (and taking) all, up to 70% of us can end up with less than what we know to be fair in an actual democracy. The squeeze is on all of us when our leaders are involved in me, me, me, and both parties behave like weasels.
That 70% of the population is so angry and so upset with Blue and Red Party that many of them wormed their way into the Red Party and colored it Fake-Orange. Not my choice, but that is not the point I am making. Folks are completely and totally upset because Congress does nothing right.
When we do not address the total dissatisfaction that most voters have with the outcomes of both parties, then we are just going to work on another civil war because the little man fighting the little man is not something the political elite (and the ones behind the scenes) are really worried about.
There is no leadership in this nation, and the 'Orange buffoon' showed that real clear. Voters voted their middle fingers because they have seen the middle finger coming down on them too much themselves.
So, I agree with your assessment, but it is an assessment of the little circle, while there is a much larger circle that you left out of your response.