Same for money. It is not real.
And yet the most powerful (human) entity on this planet is money. It even helps destroy very valuable pieces of land, kills the last of various animal species, undermines the globe as a whole.
But money is not real. You cannot eat it, you cannot drink it, you cannot sleep in it (though some can swim in it).
In the old days, the word God meant Two, number 2.
It is then seen as the reality that is part of reality but that is not of flesh and blood.
The modern use of God is basically the same as One, number 1.
It's a perspective that may be worth discussing, but either way folks realized there is more to reality than what the eye can see.
Now if we were to investigate how matter could have come into being, some 13.8 billion years ago, then there are just three scenarios available.
1. From Nothing. I mention it, but I dislike this option a lot. It is like a child saying something dumb. No train can leave the Nothing station, so that is the beginning and the end of that option.
2. From Everything. That appears a much smarter option already, but it also contains a flaw. If we have a secondary 100%, then this secondary 100% would return to the original 100% state in a jiffy.
3. From parts of Everything. This is the only option available, and have the result endure for 13.8 billion years.
Option #3 means that a fundamental distinction ended up being made between whatever it was that was Everything at first. That Everything broke apart like a Vase shattering on the floor.
So, we exist in an outcome that is many parts broken of that original state + space.
We can consider space to be part of a shard (one piece of the Vase), on some kind of level. Yet space between the shards is then definitively not related to the shards. It points then to the separation among the parts.
In Science, we do not use the word God. But in religion, following the same setup, we can use the word God for the original state. However, that is then God 1.0.
Today, God 1.0 would not be around any longer. Rather, God 2.0 would be around. Not as empowered as God 1.0, partly because matter needs to be subtracted off that original God 1.0. The true powers of God 1.0 were used to cause that damage, and in that damage the powers of God 1.0 were finished, done.
Yet God 2.0 is still around. There is plenty of energy that is still the original energy when following Option #3.
Options #1 and #2 are concepts and they are rather black&white.
Nothing is a word and is something we can understand with our brain as a concept, but we can’t point to anything in specific (except for the absence of something).
Everything is a word that has the same problem as Nothing in that it is a concept. We cannot point to it, except with our arms wide open and wildly pointing in all directions.
These are concepts the brain can hold without a problem. Yet they never become their actual and real self, simply because there are no details contained in them.
Let me stop here. See if you have remarks or questions to make. I am open to your view, as long as you stand on good grounds in your words.