2 min readJul 27, 2023


So many physicists are ignoring Occam's razor in the battle between the Black Hole theory and the Black Eye theory.

In the Black Hole model, there are two aspects that are hidden:

1. Gravity

2. The collapsed matter behind the event horizon

In the Black Eye model, there is just one aspect that is hidden:

1. Gravity

Let's first acknowledge that the #2 of the Black Hole model cannot be detected by us or our scientific instruments. That is the whole point about this being a Black Hole: nothing comes out of this center behind the event horizon. Parts may be recognizable based on measured effects, but the essence is that the essence is not detectable by scientific instruments. We assume that there is a collapsed mass in there, and the effects support that.

Because we are dealing with many masses in a galaxy, and we all acknowledge that all these masses have their very own gravity, we should also end up with a synergistic outcome as well for their collective gravitational center: A major gravitational depression should be formed here unlike anything else gravitational in the galaxy. A real Great Depression exists in the exact center of all these masses.

Synergy is of course the word that points to something distinct and additional without our needing anything additional at all. It's just that the parts deliver an extra outcome together.

Occam's razor applauds the model that uses fewer invisible features: the Black Eye model. Yet so few physicists have a brain capable of going there. They are stuck on their model with the essentially non-scientific mass.

My article (many are trying to beat it down, and zero of them are bringing any substantial evidence with them):

'Why a Black Hole is a Laughable Idea'




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