Thank you, Andy. I appreciate your replies, but your brain is not working like my brain is working.
I can see that you are claiming to represent the scientific approach. Meanwhile, I am making the same claim.
Science starts out with the data and evidence, and only next do we move up a level (all the way to strong and perhaps not so strong theories).
Based on the evidence, we have no reason to assert that the universe is a unit or that there is only 1 physical thing.
Religion starts out with an idea, including that it is correct, and then takes in all data and evidence to support that position (and that position may even be changed somewhat by later data and evidence).
I cannot come to any other conclusion than your brain starting out with a position that fits in with religion. Your position has no solid place in science.
Yes, we can discuss scientific models, based on all the data and evidence gathered. But it is a fallacy to start out with a model that is not based on data and evidence first and then claiming it is still within the scientific realm.
Thank you for your attempts, though. I can tell your brain is hard at work and that you are not a crazy person. But I can also see that you are considering reality in a setup that is not based on science.
You are aware that Spacetime is not about space and not about time, right? It is all about the behavior of matter.
So, when a clock is sent into space and the time display says something different from the clocks back on Earth, then we have evidence that matter changes its behavior when placed in a spatially distinct position.
Or are you one of the people claiming that time dilated? I am asking because that is wagging the dog instead of having the dog wag its tail.
Spacetime is a scientific framework to explain the behavior of matter. Similarly, a tape measure is absolutely correct when it measures how tall you are. But the tape measure was not involved with how tall you ended up being. You would not make your height related to the tape measure, right? There is no relationship other than the tape measure expressing correctly how tall you are.
Spacetime is not about space and not about time. It is Einstein's improvement of Newton's work, both completely about the behavior of matter.