Thank you, Dave, particularly since it appears you are writing about proportional voting when you sum up all the benefits of TDG handling the pandemic.
Let’s focus on Covid-19 because I saw a nice feature pointed out on TV. Nations led by women did better than nations led by men. I believe it. Proportional voting has more women representatives than district voting, hands down.
But more is in play. Germany has an incredible amount of ICU beds. Even small villages have their own hospitals with a lot of high quality nursing care available. Germany admitted patients from the Netherlands, France, Italy, and they are actually paying for these foreigners as well.
The Germans have the money, and they don’t spend it all on the military. They spend it on themselves, and health care is considered extremely important in Germany. They do not have the best plan in the freezer when emergencies come around; they have the hardware in place already.
Please read up on proportional voting. I urge you to personally visit old proportional democracies like the Netherlands or Sweden. Read up on WW II while you’re at it, because the majority of the German voters did not vote for Hitler. I consider Hitler very much a European result, not a German result by itself, and I like to point to empires Britain and France as co-culprits. One cannot occupy half the world and not expect anything weird to come out of that.
I really think what you want is already in place with proportional voting. Canada would be a good candidate to implement it (and see how female representatives will shot up in that very first new election).
The one thing your system misses is a reality check, I know you agree and would love to see it in place. My hunch, it will not work as you think it will work. And if it works well, it will be much like proportional voting.
Yes, always a pleasure writing with you.