4 min readJan 19, 2020


Thank you, John, for this additional communication, your further explaining your views, and giving me the ability to see more of how you think. It is both fascinatingly familiar to me and making me want to say the following:

There are standards in our universe that we can discover, yet the most important one is that our material universe has self-based qualities. It means that there are many levels and many distinct options to establish standards.

If you sit still in a chair, then there are four actions going on: earth is spinning once every 24 hours, earth is revolving around the sun once a year, the solar system is carried along in the twirl of the Milky Way, and our galaxy is rushing outwardly away from the original starting point for matter. This latter action is the fastest.

From this, we can distill that there are 5 (or 6) actions we are part of. Instead of sitting in a chair, we can move about. This is the level where we have the freedom to do as we please, given the circumstances we’re in. The other 4 (or 5) levels are not levels where we have any freedoms, and if we were to have the possibility to change them, we absolutely shouldn’t.

The last level is the invisible level, the remnant of the original version from which we came. Some call it God, but we mainly have guesswork about the specifics of that level. The (1) that we inhabit cannot exist unless there is the (0), but both come from an earlier (1) that is itself not further defined except as time, space, and energy (with energy being the essential aspect to have arrived at matter in Universe 2.0).

You are self-based. Money is self-based. The earth is self-based, The Milky Way is self-based.

The universe is NOT self-based. The largest entity that is self-based is a galaxy, and even then we must recognize that it is a collective of self-based stars and planets and what else there is.

Moving from the largest to the smallest, the self-based reality is always there, but not necessarily defined as a unit. Atoms can be divided into further parts; there is no absolute standard for everything. There is no god particle, so to speak, but there are standards (and they are all self-based).

Let me acknowledge something you wrote about. I was happy to learn that our nervous system is not necessarily one of being as sensitive as possible, but rather a suppressor of signals, because there are too many signals out there and we would not be able to process them all — you wrote about this rather well.

I do not look for the one overall reality because I know that there are various levels to reality. I understand where you are going with money, but the self-based nature is fleeting and only occurs after its establishment (it helps when there is a national bank guaranteeing the value of the metal coin or piece of paper). It could have come into existence and next fallen to the wayside when no one accepted the new property. If the conditions are right, it becomes self-based. Without general acceptance, there is no value to money.

I hope you recognize that I stay on the surface more than you do. With money I see you get into the specifics of money to explain something about money, and while there is much truth in what you say, the bigger picture is then still not mentioned. Money floats in our reality because we accept it as having (much) value. At that point there is an end of story at the general level (it’s where I stop), while we can move into the specifics (which I see you are doing).

The Big Picture is where I see the structures. As soon as we move into the details, there are so many options to view things, all with their own truths, we will never be able to see things correctly.

This is the truth about our universe and the two levels on which it exists:

  • divergent at the overall level
  • convergent at the specific level

If you see this and recognize that these two cannot be made one, then you see everything in the correct light. There is no singularity. There is no single view for the Big Picture. There are always two distinct perspectives, two distinct structures at work.

In the Big Picture, the human mind is the first essential aspect to conquer. I know you said that mathematics isn’t your thing, but second grade math is all it takes to start seeing where I am coming from and what I can give you. The brain has two hemispheres, and it is good to acknowledge that.

I hope you’ll read the introduction to my writings about the Big Picture.




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