That sounds like Scandinavia, Tony. Nothing perfect of course, but Scandinavia has the happiest nations in the world and they also have the happiest immigrants in the world.
Their political system is a very important reason why they are so happy.
I recently calculated the difference in empowerment at the local level between two USA cities and the average Norwegian city, all with seven members on the council.
The Norwegians had between four to eight times more control over their representatives than the folks in the two US cities.
Part of the explanation was the extremely low voter turnout in the USA for local elections (it appears to be the lowest in the democratic world) and part of the explanation was that we have a system in which only the majority is represented (up to 49.99 of the voters can go home empty-handed, not represented except by someone they did not want).
Bezos is a winner-taking-all. If we don't change the system where that is allowed today, then the winners willl keep raking it in.
Join the good movement and we can change our democracy from the bottom up. More than 100 cities have received an Invocation already.
Come join.
And here is an article, our first: