The Big Whisper Theory… For Dummies

13 min readJun 29, 2021


Photo by Allen Taylor on Unsplash

Everyone knows the Big Bang theory, and when asked only a few important things are likely not pronounced well in the reply. Most of the parts are so well known, no one pays much attention to the latest developments in cosmology.

The Big Whisper? Never heard of. And when explained, much scratching of heads follows. Let’s keep it simple and dig in.

First the name, Big Whisper. In 1965, scientists Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson were hearing the cosmic-microwave whisper of the Big Bang. They had discovered the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, our oldest facts of the material universe.

The Big Whisper theory honors them directly, but it is also a good name to replace the Big Bang name. Scientists already never thought it was a bang to begin with, so good riddance.

Yet the idea is generally correct that matter is moving outwardly in our universe; the larger concept itself needs no change. But how did it all start?

This is where it gets tricky for scientists. Scientists rely on repeatable results, and the materialization process is not much of a repeatable event. By using repeatable evidence, only results from later experiments were inserted in the Big Bang model. Gold-standard facts are placed inside a model that will always remain silver at best.

Many scientists also refused adamantly to discuss the prior state. Since there was no data available, scientists concluded that it could also not be discussed, scientifically. Yet having an entire universe filled with a lot of matter that seemed to have appeared out of nothing leads to just one scientific conclusion:

  • There was a prior state to the material universe.

It could of course not have been a material prior state as well because we would have seen something of it still, and we don’t. But it could have also not been nothing. One cannot get matter from nothing. A proper word to use would be energy, or original energy as the placeholder for what existed before matter came to be. This leads to the following conclusions about the prior state:

  • we know the prior state was there for a fact
  • we cannot know it in detail except that it produced matter

This is enough to introduce the Big Whisper to a wider audience. With the materialization process, scientists recognize the transformation from a prior energized state that we know little about to a material universe that has given us many but not all of its secrets. Peering into the prior state of the universe, it is a certainty that it will not give up on all its secrets.

It may surprise many that did not keep up with cosmology over the last twenty years that, in the Big Bang model, the very beginning of the materialization process is not seen as material yet. Still, the very beginning is considered part and parcel of the materialization process even when not yet producing matter. And that is already where it differs with the Big Whisper model.

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The Big Whisper model accepts that there was a prior energized state, and it places the ending of that prior state with that prior state. The end of the prior state is not part of the material universe. The ending led to the material universe.

  • The reason for the material universe does not belong to the material universe; that reason is found with what existed prior.
  • The prior state ended due to a collective inward motion.

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The prevailing Big Bang model is called the Lambda-CDM model and is supported by many scientists. It starts out with an extreme-high density and with super-hot conditions. Particularly the super-hot conditions are going to help explain the distinction between the Big Bang and Big Whisper models.

The term to learn is adiabatic cooling. As soon as there is expansion of matter into a wider space, there is automatic cooling of that matter. You can look it up using the internet, but the set-up is relatively simple.

The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation that Penzias and Wilson discovered is measured at a chilling 2.7 Kelvin. It means the starting point from which expansion (and therefore cooling) started will have been much higher in temperature. Over time (the CMBR is placed at 380,000 years after the Big Bang’s initial stages), the cooling result ended at about 2.7K, so it is not a surprise that scientists place a super-hot start with the beginning stages of materialization. 380,000 years is a long time/distance of continuous cooling.

  • But what if the model is different?

If the materialization process did not start in or near the center, but rather much closer to the actual CMBR itself, then the cooling requirements would be shorter. The starting point for materialization itself would then not be super-hot, and can then even be envisioned as just lukewarm.

The inward motion of the Big Whisper theory proposes just that.

The area from which matter derived is declared Zone 2 in the inward process. Zone 1 is then an enormously large center that did not materialize itself. In Zone 1, the very large inward motion established a situation of original energy stuck in place. No motion, no movement, no heat production. Meanwhile, and with Zone 2 being just a bandwidth of original energy right outside Zone 1, all hell broke loose. Zone 2 got churned to pieces and ended up as the source for matter. A quark soup was produced in Zone 2, and with the rebound those quarks became neutrons and protons that never stopped their outbound trek.

The inward process

Let’s start from the beginning. The proposed idea for the end of the prior state of the energized universe is that all this energy got itself involved in an inward motion. It shouldn’t have, but it did. Worse, that inward motion did not stop by itself.

The inward motion for the end of the prior state is basically the opposite of the outward motion we see with our material universe at large. As such, the proposal is solid because the inward motion predicts the results. Newton would have liked it. What goes in, must come out.

With an inward motion not stopping by itself, prior energy in the center location ended up being stuck in place, establishing Zone 1. Because all prior energy is viewed as being of one and the same make, a complete blockage occurred in the center, without any significant build-up of temperature. It got stuck in place.

Let’s back up just a bit further and explain how the Big Bang is really nothing but a train ride from Washington, D.C. to New York City.

While Washington may not have been a place where much materialized, it is considered for this train ride the starting point of the Big Bang process. New York City as the destination is then just the exemplary placeholder for all locations with the same radius distance away from Washington, D.C.

In New York City, we have the 2.7K that was also found at the CMBR, and with Washington, D.C. we have a super-hot and extremely dense condition, but not all that much materializing. No pun about the current reality intended.

Using the exact same analogy for the Big Whisper process instead, we have to start out earlier and farther way, in Reykjavik, for locating the very first minor steps that started up the collective inward motion that would end the prior state of the energized universe. Remember, the Big Bang started at Washington, D.C., but the Big Whisper started with an earlier set-up that ultimately ended the prior state, and that earlier point of starting the inward motion lies somewhere near Reykjavik.

At Reykjavik, this first initial inward motion could itself already be described as a whisper. Just the tiniest movement occurred that had a collective character, bringing others along with it, and containing all energy but not much more than a nudge of inward slanting. Again, Reykjavik is just the exemplary placeholder for all locations with the same radius distance away from Washington, D.C.

Inward motions built and built tension, and this tension started to form a far more tensed-up center in which prior energy butted heads with itself. It established that greater tension first in its mathematical center; in this model that is in Washington, D.C.

From Washington, D.C. to Trenton, New Jersey

This stuck center grew in size, and in this example the growing center ended up stretching all the way from Washington, D.C. to Trenton, New Jersey. No small potatoes, therefore, that stuck center. This is Zone 1, or at least an example of Zone 1 because the exact dimensions remain unknown.

The entire center, established by the enormously large inward motion of prior energy, is locked in place due to the applied tension. While the tension was truly minor for the outer regions, for the inner areas it got to be very intense. It would have been a warm (but not cozy) place. Due to the stuck nature, however, there was no significant build-up of heat.

The reason the energy could get stuck is based on the idea that all prior energy was of the same kind, and that there was no other form of energy. Had further transformation into a different form of energy been possible, then this model would not have delivered the proposed result.

Right at Trenton, the overall inward motion lost just enough of its push so that side-way motion — friction — became possible. Envision this as the strength of the entire inward push minus the strength of the push already spent on the stuck center from Washington to Trenton. Said differently, the ongoing push was not strong enough anymore at Trenton to add another layer to the stuck center. This balancing moment of strengths is in this example proposed to have happened at Trenton. This is where Zone 2 is found.

Where the energy in Zone 1 was stuck in place due to the uniform collective inward force, the side-way motion of Zone 2 corrupted that uniform force while still under extreme pressures. The prior energy located just in that Zone 2 experienced therefore two kinds of forces: an extreme inward push and a side-way torque.

We all know the results of stuck centers and subsequent side-way motions revolving around that center. Let’s not kid each other: it happens in politics all the time. The center figures are stuck in place, and a dissident group of politicians wiggles and worms its way toward a different and oft surprising solution. True in politics, but this same phenomenon of a stuck center also happens in nature.

No eye of the storm ever caused any damage anywhere on this planet. Inside the eye, one can look up and see blue skies. One could even light up a Cuban cigar with a match without all too much trouble. Nothing much is happening here. Yet look around and the wall of the eye will make you more nauseous than smoking that cigar. The wall of the eye of the storm causes the greatest damage to our planet; no winds measured on the entire planet are stronger than found with that wall.

And that is what happened at Trenton in the materialization process. It may have been a larger bandwidth, for instance from Trenton to New Brunswick, but Zone 2 started to churn and churn until the original prior energy of Zone 2 had been substantially damaged. Meanwhile, Zone 1 is not budging at all — it remained unaffected by the storm blazing around it.

A bandwidth of damage found inside an inward motion that does not stop by itself will automatically cause a shock wave throughout the entire setting. Let’s declare this a whisper as well. Yet this time, the whisper motion is moving in opposite direction, outwardly. Once this outward whisper hits the original force of the inward whisper, they annihilate each other.

All of a sudden the outer regions of the large inward motion are knocked off their feet and lost their inward punch. This liberation of kinds reverberated further inward, and layer after layer of inward motion started to unravel and loosen up.

At one point, the likes of Old Faithful came around to do its job. Right where release of tension allowed the holding power of the inward motion a full escape, right then everything catapulted outwardly. And when this catapult unleashed truly nothing stayed behind.

The center — Zone 1 from Washington, D.C. to Trenton — contributed the largest push outwardly. Zone 2, from Trenton to New Brunswick, bolted outwardly, too, and so did Zone 3, from New Brunswick to Reykjavik, the outer regions that had contributed so much to the inward pressure.

By the time Zone 2 reached New York City, there was enough space for these churned original energy particles to get back together again and they did — Picasso style.

The original energy of Zone 2 had traveled from Trenton to New York, and the adiabatic cooling process had therefore never been super-hot to begin with.

In Zone 2, the churning motions would have contributed heat to the original energy now in tatters. But it would not have been super-hot; think a mere boiling of matter such as seen perhaps with lava. It could have been cooler even still.

Nothing between Washington, D.C. and Trenton materialized. Zone 1 had been original energy stuck in place and simply nothing much happened to it. That is, until it catapulted outwardly and delivered the biggest push in our universe’s history. On its way out, Zone 1 fell apart in pieces because there is no way in hell for energy going into one thousand directions to remain intact. Yet materializing, Zone 1 did not.

  • Zone 1 may have had another surprise. If the architecture was just right, then a large ball of stuck energy would have established an empty center. Zone 1 would then have been empty on the inside (a Zone 0), while the stuck energy of that alternate Zone 1 would have been solidly stuck in place still, and ultimately not damaged.

Just like Zone 2 becoming matter and each collective of matter following its own outward path, Zone 1 and Zone 3 fell apart in pieces traveling away from one another and traveling still — but not materializing. They remained the same original form of energy that we do not directly observe.

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Zone 2 could have existed closer to Washington, D.C, for instance, at the spot where we find Baltimore. If so, the starting point would have been hotter because the cooling path toward New York City would have been longer. Had Zone 2 existed real close to New York, think Hoboken, then the cooling path would have been real short and the starting point therefore very cold.

The distance of the path to New York declares how hot the starting point must have been for Zone 2. As already declared, Zone 1 never rose all that much in temperature at all.

What we really desire is the establishment of damaged energy that we can call a soup of quarks. It may have happened under warmer conditions; it may have happened under cooler conditions. But super-hot it was not.

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We can calculate the overall starting point — think Reykjavik — that contained all original energy. Borrowing percentages from the Lambda-CDM Big Bang model (not necessarily correct for this model), we could state that the area encapsulating the CMBR contained the 27% of original energy that is said to be Dark Matter.

Again, this number is from a different model, so likely not correct. But if Dark Matter is original energy that got compacted to the max (i.e. the same as Zone 1), then we can place Reykjavik at 1,400,000 years away from Washington, D.C.

The fun part is that when entertaining a model that goes in and then goes out, that what comes out measurably at 380,000 years (i.e. the CMBR) also originated more or less from that spot at 380,000 years. The beginning point will have had energy in place that was situated in a regular fashion (and we do not care what regular means here). Next, the tension pushes everything inwardly, and this specific energy got involved with the destructive forces of a compressed and torqued Zone 2. Then, on the way out, tension did not subside until reaching more or less the same location where this energy existed in regular fashion. Only then can the newly created quark soup of Zone 2 reassemble these quarks, Picasso-style.

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When the quark soup reached New York City, there was enough space for these particles to reassemble any which way possible. This led to the creation of neutrons and protons.

Neutrons are called that way because they are considered a subatomic result that have a neutral charge.

Protons are also parts of original matter that recombined itself in the Picasso fashion, but protons have a positive charge as byproduct. Protons are the other subatomic result. Yet one more surprise arrived. The counter to this positive charge is the electron. The electron, however, is not from Zone 2. Only the quarks are from Zone 2.

The electrons are pulled in from Zone 1/Zone 3 to compensate for the positive charge of the proton. As such, Zone 1/Zone 3 ended up being tied to matter, but only via the electron. Just so you know (but really, how is it that we know if not for structural thinking): Zone 1/Zone 3 energy is far greater than matter from Zone 2, so the electrons are themselves just a component from that original undamaged reality.

There are some supporting arguments for this view. Neutron and proton sit in the center of the atom, while the electron tries to reach the center but cannot. The electron behaves quite distinct as well, non-linear, and nothing like the linear-behaving neutron or proton. Lastly, the number of protons and electrons are pretty much identical in number in the universe. The pluses are accompanied by the minuses, though not necessarily tied to the hip. If an electron cannot directly compensate for a positive proton charge, then a collective of electrons can indeed compensate for a collective of protons.

The duality we see with matter from an overall perspective — establishing a convergent situation at the local level, yet a divergent situation at the overall level — is found with the atom as well. The atomic center is charged and yet the overall universal outcome is electrically neutral.

  • QM is a subatomic charged reality; the universe as a whole is neutral.

The Big Whisper model proposes therefore that matter is really the combination of original energy that arrived via two distinct routes. There is no overall set-up other than the outcome of many collective set-ups. The largest collective we are part of ourselves in this universe is the Milky Way. We are not connected to the rest of the material universe — not via immaterial energy either.

The Big Whisper theory provides us a view how the Milky Way came to be — via Trenton. The model shows a stuck center in which temperature did not rise all that much and a Zone 2 that got churned to pieces that would end up forming the neutrons and protons. There is no super-hot path involved in this model. Only those parts of original energy that traveled on the line from Washington, D.C. to Reykjavik (this time mentioned in specific and not in general), that energy ended up in the same galaxy.

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