The Black Eye model explains it better, bkuehlhorn. It is simpler than the Black Hole model.
The Black Hole model requires us to accept that matter can collapse onto itself while the evidence for that mass exists behind a scientific horizon. As such, the essence of this model cannot be shown to exist other than through circumstantial evidence. This is very important to acknowledge, and fortunately most people do acknowledge this.
Let's dig in:
First off, all forces are invisible. They are based on a material reality and/or circumstance that is the source for that force. The beauty of the Black Eye model is that there is just one invisible force required to explain what we witness as effect: 1. Gravity.
So, that is 1 - 0 for the Black Eye model because it is just one invisible reality, and not two invisible realities as is the case for the Black Hole model (1. Gravity; 2. The collapsed matter behind the scientific horizon).
The way the center spot is explained is through synergy. All masses in a galaxy have each their own field of gravity. Each mass's gravity may not be all too strong, but collectively we have a synergistic outcome in the center. And this synergistic outcome is super strong.
I use analogies, so people can see the structural setup more easily.
The analogy I use most often is wind force. It is not identical to gravity, but the analogy can help you see the model more easily.
Now, imagine living in a spot where you do experience wind but where you have never seen the Eye of a Hurricane. It will be hard to believe that wind force is capable of producing a center in which wind force itself is absent. If you have never seen the Eye of the Storm, then you will be very surprised to learn that it truly exists.
It turns out that the Eye of the Hurricane is not the place that does the most damage. Actually, the Eye has hardly any wind in it at all, so damage is not associated with the Eye.
The Wall of the Eye, however, is the most damaging wind force ever measured on the planet.
The Eye is a major depression. Compared to normal highs and lows, the depression of the Eye of the Storm is enormously deep. There is no counter to it, of an enormously high pressure. That simply does not exist on planet Earth. Only the enormously deep depression exists, not its counterpart.
Let's dig in what happens with a butterfly and what happens with a truck at that Eye. We will use this to show what happens to a photon and what happens to a celestial mass.
No butterfly can make it to the Eye of the Storm. The butterfly can never pass through the Wall of the Eye; the Wall is far too strong.
Same for the photons going toward the Eye of the gravitational depression. They cannot make it to the center because the Wall of the Eye will swat these photons out of the way. The Eye will therefore be black because no photons are coming through.
What some have called the 'donut of light' are photons that got swatted into our direction, so we get to see those photons. They light up the area from which they were swatted -- from right around the center, yet nothing from the center itself. We get to see the Wall of the Great Depression because the photons are showing us the Wall.
Then, let's imagine what happens to trucks on Earth in a Hurricane. They can withstand strong winds until they are finally picked up by the Wall of the Eye. They end up flying in the air, and they have three pathways: outbound away from the Eye; inbound into the Eye; picked up and taken along with the Eye for a while and then dropped inside or outside the Eye.
The analogy of the Eye of the Storm and the Black Eye is not a perfect one of course. With the Storm, we have planet Earth to one side, while Earthly conditions helped develop that Storm.
In space, we do not have matter on one side. We have matter in all directions in the galactic disk, all with the known and fully detected masses of a galaxy. So, when we have a collective Great Depression in the center, then a single mass can end up being moved by it.
If the celestial mass follows a clean trajectory, it will go toward the depression and will get slung away after having followed the 'inside of the Wall' without falling into the Eye itself. It is then like a skateboarder getting into a dip and using the dip to get slung out on the other side, all according to the laws of physics. Where the skateboarder had planet Earth underneath, the celestial mass has one-side of the entire galaxy as the ‘grounding’ feature; I can discuss this better if you wish.
Another option that can occur is that the mass falls inside the Eye. That is then like the truck falling into the Eye of the Storm, it then falling toward Earth. In the Great Depression in space, there is no matter, so that celestial mass will end up bumping to the inside of the Wall of the Great Depression, kind of hanging out, kind of getting twisted and turned by the Wall. This may not immediately tear the mass apart, but it may.
If a second celestial mass falls into the Eye, then both masses may end up being twirls in that location, shredding each other to pieces at first contact.
Long story short, masses ending up on the inside of the Black Eye will end up being torn to pieces. These pieces have a few places to go:
1. pieces can get thrown back into the galactic disk (but these pieces will then not readily show up because these are single pieces, hard to detect).
2. pieces can get thrown out via the perpendicular spouts or vents, particularly after two celestial masses collided inside the Eye.
Even the deepest depression will have a net-zero spot in its center. Same here with the Black Eye depression. The center is net-zero, all gravity of the galaxy in perfect balance, all pulling as hard as they can.
This center is net-zero, but so are the perpendicular spouts. The entire galaxy causes these spouts to be net-zero for pieces of matter that are not enormously big. Collectively, all these small pieces together, the spouts will be detected by our instruments because in combination there are enough of them.
In conclusion, the Black Eye model is simpler than the Black Hole model. Occam's Razor favors the Black Eye model because only one invisible aspect is required: Gravity. The fact that synergy means that the combination of all parts can deliver us a secondary and distinct outcome is all we need to see that the Black Eye model is simpler than the Black Hole model.
All data and all evidence is identical because the one spot that is not proven in the Black Hole model -- the collapsed matter beyond the scientific horizon -- is only correct if the human mind agrees to it that it is correct.
The scientific mind should have considered two models, but instead physicists picked just one model to work with and ignored the other model.
Had physicists picked the simpler model right away, then anyone claiming that there is an invisible super mass inside the center of a galaxy would have been laughed at by everyone, just like we would all be laughing really hard, rolling over the ground, if someone said that there is an invisible mass inside the Eye of the Hurricane, responsible for spinning the Wall of the Eye into a frenzy.
Not the data and evidence is in question, bkuehlhorn. It is the brain of physicists that is in question. They picked an inverted model for the center of a galaxy. They failed to see the second option. They could subsequently not believe that gravity should also cause a collective outcome in the center of all these masses.
They are like the persons who had never seen a Hurricane, and who could not believe that wind force can establish a center without much wind in it; not possible, they would say.
Thank you for asking. I appreciate it much.