The first lie is not that the US Constitution is the highest reality of the nation, yet that above it we find the Supreme Court, writing outcomes it is not allowed to write. The Supreme Court cannot sit above the US Constitution, not allowed.
Meanwhile, the politicians were given the right to modify the US Constitution and yet we find them mainly sitting on their hands.
The lie is therefore complex because when the politicians are not acting, then folks want to do something and accept those judges that do not have the power as if they have the power.
Not sure if you understand that the USA has had minority rule only. It never had simple majority rule, only majority x majority rule which is almost by default minority rule. Then, to change the set up of the US Constitution, we get to what you are talking about with supermajority, but that supermajority is based on top of the regular majority, which as I mentioned is minority rule.
When you get half the cake, but once you get to the cake half of the cake is already gone, then you want the remainder, right, as declared? Instead, you are getting half of the half cake. You end up getting a quarter of the cake while being told you got half the cake. That is the lie.
The voters are competing with the voters, also in Canada, and therefore we automatically end up with minority rule. The ones in the seats are not representative of all voters; nearly half of the voters ended up with nothing and no one in any seat. The larger half of the voters got half the cake, the smaller half of the voters got nothing.
That is the lie.
Nations with Thomas Jefferson's voting system in place; all voters cut up the cake according to the votes. That is fair representation. We don't have that in the USA, Canada, or UK.