The first thing I think about when I hear the word abortion is the extinction of many animal and plant species that are being aborted off the planet due to human selfishness and self-importance.
God gave us a planet to live on and a brain to work with, and yet we are ignoring God while God's message could not be more obvious: Stop our selfish thinking, consider the natural balance in which we find ourselves, and reconnect with that precarious balance.
In most cases, however, the word abortion is used for the removal of unborn life of one species only, not considering the larger impacts that overpopulation of humans have on the planet, ignoring not just the killings of other animals but their extinctions. The mouse is the conversation, the elephant ignored.
On closer examination, the hoopla is concentrated in the United States. Other democracies have excellent human abortion policies in place and the lowest human abortion rates in the world. Their politicians are effective, ours are not effective -- and we all know it but we sit on our hands and forget to change our backward voting system.
Instead, we have judges take in the place of the politicians, while these judges do not have political tools available. So we have our smartest heads stuck up some weird places.
We also do not have separation of powers. In other nations, they have separation of powers. The judges appoint themselves in these other nations. The judges there do not make policy. When the judges over there step into the political fray (which they hardly ever do) and the population would not like that, then the politicians change the laws (because that is their job). Our judges step into the fray because of the enormous wide-open gap our politicians create of not doing their jobs. And the judges vote with the largest group of politicians that picked them when Supreme Court positions needed to get filled.
How intelligent are human beings in their collective behaviors? That depends on the intellect of the ones that set up the system. A dumber system leads to dumber results, a smarter system leads to smarter results.
Our Founding Fathers wrote We The People, but these other nations ended up getting the We The People societies. We don’t have it, and we just provide the army when these other people with the We The People societies get in trouble.
The Founding Fathers did not envision a two-party system but a republic in which the politicians would always step up to the plate to guide the nation.
So, there is another version for the word abortion available to us: Over the years, our politicians aborted the true spirit of the Founding Fathers and went after their own powers, their own self-righteousness, their own self-interests. They became bulwarks of power, and not very effective to boot.
To hide behind all this, the politicians and their friends need divisive topics so people will end up fighting each other over small potatoes in light of the largest gift that God gave us (our planet, remember).
It is time to abort our backward winner-take-all voting system. A basic color copier has red, blue, yellow and black ink. Our voting system has just two colors. The other smarter nations have at least four colors to work with.
Join Local Revolutions to establish Proportional Voting at the one level the Founding Fathers are actually saying that we MUST have it in place. No need to change the US Constitution because one spot is already a MUST. The Founding Fathers were smart.
Once we have Proportional Voting in one spot, the wool will come off our eyes and we can then see how the current politicians and their friends got us all wrapped up in angst and anxiety all because of their sitting on their hands when they are supposed to do their jobs. As other smarter nations show, Proportional Voting helps write smart abortion policies. We should get it.
P.S. The USA is 76th nation in the world ranking of female representatives. Not really smart, our current voting system.