The Founding Fathers put a republic in place, and told us to keep it. Rather quickly, we didn't. What happened?
To show quickly where it went wrong: They put the following in place (in plain English).
Do what we say, not as we do.
The Founding Fathers restricted the voting system for the Federal level only.
Then, they warned governments to not deny or disparage the rights retained by the People.
The powers ignored that second part, and put the same restricted voting system in place for State elections. Their action concentrated powers further than the blueprint of the nation allows them. The Founding Fathers did not envision a two-party system and they actually put a system in place that would have ended (had everyone followed their words and not their deeds) into a four or five-party system.
Insult to injury, the elite concentrated their powers even further by making it illegal for local governments to hold elections using the pure version of electoral systems, the one that Thomas Jefferson had already devised.
Is this something you like to gnaw on with me, Dustin?
I am the founder of Local Revolutions grassroots organization. More legal input is always welcome. We already know the path is available to overturn the illegal restrictions at the local level.
Curious if you want to contribute your thoughts.
Here is just one of the many articles on this issue.