2 min readJul 8, 2020


The Great Buddha already presented a rather clear visual on the aspects of life.

He mentioned that after death our energies fall apart to their natural components.

It shows he understood the essence of the ego and the essence of matter.

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If we hang on to the ideal that there is indeed on some level unity among all, then we will not see Buddha’s perspective. The perspective shows up only when the lack of such a unified level is accepted as correct.

In modern words: the material universe is not an intact egg but rather an omelet. The previous version broke, and we are dealing with the parts.

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If we are made of building blocks and each block is self-based matter, then out of this there will automatically be a center to this collective. The word is synergy.

With synergy we have a new overarching aspect that exists on top of the parts, is based on the parts, and is distinct from the parts. A house is not just stones and wood and glass, but also the specific construction. A house is the identity that exists on top of the parts.

We talk about the ego like we talk about the house. Yet neither exists as such; they are not self-based. They are based one level lower where the parts exist.

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Let’s reverse the question if there is proof of the afterlife into the question if there is proof of the before-life? The answer is of course the same.

The answer is yes. There is mathematical evidence that our material universe is a result (just as Buddhists were already saying). Our material universe is not the original. Ask me for the evidence and I will provide. It’s simple and fun.

But I’d rather provide the article here that takes a step further back before the Big Bang, showing how that we live in Universe 2.0, and not in the original. The only scientific evidence we have is that matter came into being some 13+ billion years ago. There is no scientific evidence that time, space or energy came into being then. Zip, zilch, nothing of the kind. Only matter came to be. Matter is a result.

The question about consciousness is not the essential question. The first action in Universe 1.0 that led to matter in Universe 2.0 need not have been made with a conscious step, but it was an energized step. Still, if we do envision consciousness prior to matter, even when occurring at a rather simplistic level (simple to our own minds), then the story does become more interesting. Consciousness can be seen as the additional reality, the synergistic outcome, of the parts. What it does state is that in the prior state the individual spark ended up in a collective before Universe 2.0 came into being and was fully encapsulated by/agreed to the collective. We are therefore distinct.




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