The horse behind the cart.
We probably agree that we need a system that puts the human being in the center, and not an artificial entity such as money or its subsequent drives such as profit and wealth accumulation.
The solution should therefore not be found with money, government, or redistribution, but with the treatment of people.
The world is an extremely diverse place where people are not treated equally. I am talking politics.
Sweden has a different political system than Germany, and both have different political systems from the ones in place in Italy and the UK. All of them have different political systems than the United States and Japan, and none of them are set up like Russia or Argentina. France, too, is in a league of its own.
We created a WTO and we start playing together as if we are all the same. We are not.
Let me focus on the US quickly as an example. It has winner-take-all in place. One can consider this a form of divide-and-conquer. Voters are segregated in districts and battle each other for the single seat. This results in warped socioeconomic outcomes because society is formed around dominance by the majority and not around people seated equally around the table. This slant creates more (and therefore unnecessary) poverty than when the United States puts a real We The People system in place.
As long as all nations do business with each other as equals, the systems that are less equal stand to benefit a lot. This warps the outcomes in many nations, making it impossible to find their own natural socioeconomic balances.
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Before we hand out basic incomes (I like the idea), we have to fix up our world better. We must start with the institutions that currently evolve around people and make them be based on Humanity, Equality, and Freedom.
Humanity first, we are not machines, and this should help establish our rules. Equality second, because we should remove divide-and-conquer; all systems should contain at least a minimum level of equality. Freedom, at last, is the automatic outcome when Humanity and Equality are implemented correctly.
Money is not the essence. We should not put the artificial machine front and center. People first, their systems second, and the outcomes will then be automatically better.