We all know it, but many have a hard time seeing its magic.
No, there aren’t just 26 letters to the alphabet. There are 27 letters.
The 27th letter is quite fantastic, magical would be a good word to describe its qualities. The 27th letter’s properties are not just self-based, but it gives the other letters their meaning as well. It creates clarity.
The 27th letter is omnipresent and yet no one seems to be paying much attention to it. It is ubiquitous and we would actually be lost if that 27th letter wasn’t there.
Perhaps you think this is a good April Fools’ joke, and you may not be far off. But the truth is that there is an additional part to the alphabet we take for granted.
Haditnotbeenfortheemptyspace, all would have a hard time reading, much harder than with the 27th letter present.
The spacebar on your keyboard is the largest key of them all. Obviously, when it comes down to the mechanics of writing, the 27th letter of the alphabet does get the most attention of all. Rightfully so.
Why do we leave out the most important part of writing when we mention the alphabet?
The answer is horribly simple.
We are humans, and humans leave stuff out wherever they can.
Let’s continue the conversation toward a deeper level, because humans also like to confuse things at times. For instance, we can create games by mixing and matching systems. It is possible to match letters up with numbers, make A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, etcetera, and write each other then secret messages in code.
Only those that know the code will spot the answers immediately. Others may try to break the code.
The truth is warped on purpose to ensure that not everyone can read the message right away. And in turn, that confusion can cause real confusion to linger a bit longer.
When letters are not just letters, and numbers not just numbers, when they can be understood as something else, then 123, 579, 428 may end up as the idea there is more mystery in the universe then there really is. We may make each other crazy with information that is warped information pretending to be something magical it is absolutely not.
We tell each other stories and it becomes hard to unentangle them and then it becomes easier to not see the larger truths any longer. We may end up believing something that is incorrect. We may end up seeing something that does not exist.
It is the 27th letter of the alphabet that represents the space itself in which we write. It is a quick way to show how underneath every letter there is already the space to write letters. That space is fundamental.
Let’s see if this can be made obvious with the largest reality one can think of, the universe.
It is possible to write down the universe as being 1.
There really is no problem here. Just look at the word uni-verse. It could be written down as 1-verse if we wanted, portraying that same structure of one.
Yet take a look at the binary system, the mathematical building blocks that can do anything the decimal system can do as well. Surprisingly, the universe is not the binary 1, nor is it the binary 0.
- We cannot write down the universe using a single number when applying the binary system.
So, is the universe One?
Obviously, it is not. The universe is only one if we make use of the decimal system. When inside the decimal system, then the universe can be written with a 1. In any other way, the universe is not 1.
What is going on?
We accepted a truth, but that truth is found within a system that we use. Change the system and the truth is no longer the same.
Perhaps the easiest way to see how this has real meaning in our world, let’s acknowledge that the word universe is not really a scientific word.
The word existed already for centuries when it was borrowed by scientists and used within science, given a function that it was not meant to have. Somehow, scientists can declare that the universe is expanding. Yet for that to be possible the word universe needs to be made a scientific word first, and that was not done.
- An assumption was established, a function that becomes obvious like reading a secret code and seeing the results. A truth not available for understanding unless one is part of the initiated, handed the code.
In reality, science is a system based on discovering physical data, and from there on out we can extrapolate, hypothesize, about the larger levels. The scientific system is rather particular in its setup. It is based on data and from the data we look up to the larger levels. The largest reality, however, is not part of the scientific realm. We just look at it.
The universe is not a unit. Rather, it is a collective word about everything there is. A collective cannot be given a function as if the collective were a single unit. That is not how reality works.
With a code, we can play a good game with each other of hide and seek. But fooling ourselves with a code to the point we lost our way is never a good thing.
A better word for universe is omniverse.
That a different word exists for the largest reality next to universe shows how there has been a lot of deep-thinking going on in the past about this largest setting. The fact that we have two words for the same setting, each based on a different construction, shows that humans have wondered whether the largest reality was singular, or was based on various differing, fundamental aspects.
- Now you know how there is no everything that is true everywhere all at once. The word universe assumes a connection among all. The word omniverse declares how that need not be the case.
This is also the essence of Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems. Gödel proved with math that not even math is complete.
Every system is accepted first, and once it is accepted the users are automatically captured on the inside of that system. When inside a system, there is never the possibility to discover a truth that is true for all systems.
We do not have a universal code. There is no universal system.
A code can get broken and is often based on two or more systems used at once. A single system itself, however, cannot get broken. A system simply is what we accepted the system to be. Each system functions based on its own accepted properties and truths.
At the largest of all levels, there is no system at all. At the largest of all levels, all we truly see are the many, many systems, all based on their own accepted properties and truths, not related to each other but true and real within their own system only.
The 27th letter of the alphabet does not exist, but the space between words is quite functional. It is part of writing. Nevertheless, using space to jump to larger conclusions means we can exit a system indeed, and then not realize how we exited the system into nothing but space.