The math is flawed, Tim. It is not 50-50, it is 30-30. Your 50–50 is true only inside the rabbit hole.
Take the US Senators (nice round number with 100 of them, easy to use), and know that the average Senator got voted into place with 60% voter support.
That means that 30% of the voters got their Democratic Senator, 30% of the voters got their Republican Senator, and the largest group of all voters, 40%, got nothing and went home empty-handed.
It is the empty-handedness that creates the lob-sided outcomes we have to endure.
If you read this mathematical information carefully, then you know that it takes 30% of the voters to lead the nation. Naturally, this requires the right 30% of the voters, but both parties are really good at keeping their base. So, we have a flip-flop of 30% leading the nation either left or right.
You are correct that they both play the game differently, and that is because some of us are from Venus and some of us are from Mars. In other words, outer-worldly, all because 40% is not allowed to occupy any seats.
So, your math is off because you first went into the rabbit hole and then you did your math.
Most of the time, the 30% must remain in touch with the majority of people because they don't want the other 30% to take control.
But every now and then the 30% is able to appoint judges beyond their natural realm of power and get a lob-sided Supreme Court.
Had the politicians done their job over the last 50 years, then there would not have been a problem. But they didn't do much, really. Compared to other democracies, our politicians don't do all that much.
Therefore, the Supreme Court has to make many political decisions, while they are not given political tools to make the best political policies come into being.
In other nations, politicians compromised on abortion and these nations have the lowest abortion rates in the world. Their justices don't venture into political-decision making. And if they do and the voters don't like that, then the politicians do their job and write new legislature in place.
We don't have that because we have a big wide-open hole in the middle of our political system in which very little gets done. Meanwhile, everyone is doing their best not to fall into that hole.
There is hope. The Founding Fathers never envisioned a two-party system, so the governmental level that is not mentioned in the US Constitution -- cities and counties -- must follow the Bill of Rights that demands of governments that they use the better system and not a discriminating system.
Exceptions to this demand are given to the Federal level.
Exceptions can be had by State governments.
Exceptions are not available to local governments. They cannot deny or disparage rights held by the People and they must use the better, non-discriminating voting system, which every person in the world knows is Proportional Voting, particularly for the local level.
Once we partake in Proportional Voting at the local level, then the wool is off our eyes quickly. Then we can finally see that a dual-political elite played us.
And then, we'll change the State level because that is relatively easy too.
We don't have to change the US Constitution, and still get our four to five party system in place. It is the automatic outcome when cities, counties and states vote proportionally or proportionally-enhanced.
Join the Local Revolutions grassroots movement that is now sending out Constitutional Invocations to cities and counties.
Do the math!
But make sure to get all the information in and not just the information found inside the rabbit hole.