The Scientific Black Eye

11 min readMay 29, 2024


An alternative model

Photo by Alex Padurariu on Unsplash

Nearly all physicists accept the idea of a Black Hole. Not many people suspect that an alternate model is available, called a Black Eye.

The Black Eye model has the same gravitational ‘monster’ in the center, but this center does not contain a mass. The model is not based on a single mass. Rather, the result is explained based on the entire system of masses, and for this article that system is a galaxy.

The Black Eye model takes a system-wide approach therefore and bases the resulting outcome on all these masses in a galaxy. The gravitational forces of all these masses combined establish a collective gravitational depression in the center. In this model, we are witnessing a collective result.

Contrast this with a Black Hole in which the same enormous gravitational monster in the center of a galaxy is explained by a scientifically invisible mass lurking behind an event horizon.

Meanwhile, an additional component is involved in this article as well, not considered by most physicists to play an important role. Next to the ordinarily considered motions of matter, a galaxy as a whole is also on the move through space in a single direction. This helps to establish a special outcome, right in the center.

Note how there is no difference in the known information about a Black Hole and a Black Eye. It is all in the scientific interpretation that the distinction between both models comes about. Like Rubin’s Vase, one can see a Vase, or one can see Two Faces. The interpretations are not the same, but based on identical information nevertheless.

Most will be familiar with the Black Hole model, so the emphasis for this article will be on presenting the Black Eye model.

The starting point is not the gravitational monster itself, but rather the circumstances of a galaxy as a whole.

The Milky Way contains about 100 billion stars and all these stars have their own gravitational force, attracting all other masses. Yet as a collective, the center of this gravitational force establishes a deep depression. The pull on the center is enormous.

  • The explanation that not all masses move toward the center because of that pulling force is due to the circular motion of this collective, countering the action. Most masses are pushed out by the circular motion and pulled in by the gravitational force.

A depression is made up of various components. The most important aspect for understanding the Black Eye model is that the center of the depression is void of materials, except for happenstance materials (more on this later).

The center exists in a gravitational balance, called net-zero. Yet the depression is experienced at its gravitational maximum nevertheless. That net-zero reality also takes up space; it is not a singular point, but rather an area, an Eye of net-zero gravitational force.

Perhaps a surprise, but at the exact spot of first moving away from the net-zero location, the conditions change dramatically. Gravity is expressed at a tremendous level.

  • This sudden boundary shift between net-zero and extreme gravitational expression is like the sudden boundary shift seen with the inner core of planet Earth. There are two components to the inner core, with the solid part of the inner core located in the center flanked by the fluid part of the inner core. The center is solid, not moving internally, while the fluid part is moving wildly. There is no transition zone right at the shift of both parts of the inner core.

The same sudden shift between non-motion in center /wild motion right next to it occurs with the gravitational depression. In the center, there is net-zero gravity, not experiencing gravity. Right on the edge of that center, the gravitational force is exerted to its max. There is no greater gravitational expression in the entire galaxy than right here next to the net-zero location.

Friction explains the sudden change. Friction has become available in the area that flanks the net-zero center, whereas no friction occurs anywhere inside the net-zero location. As soon as this friction becomes possible, motion is expressed, and lots and lots of it. All gravitational tension of all masses in the entire galaxy is kept at net-zero in the center and breaks loose with a fury at first opportunity.

For the Black Eye model, one can declare the flanking area a gravitational Wall of Motion. The photons seen in images of a Black Hole/Black Eye show us the Wall of Motion. This is a location with great gravitational turbulence.

Source: wikipedia

In the Black Eye model, photons will in general not make it through the center because the turbulent gravitational Wall of Motion will swat them out of the way before a photon can reach the center. As such, the Eye in the center will be black. Meanwhile, the Wall of Motion in which the photons are swatted into our direction ensures that the ring of light (the donut) is visible to us. Thanks to the way photons works, we can see the ring of light, the Wall of Motion.

  • Further out, photons continue on their straight paths all around the Black Eye and Wall of Motion. As long as they are not swatted by the Wall of Motion, and when photons are not aimed toward us, we do not get to see them.

Once more, the most important aspect is the center at net-zero. This net-zero location is a solid center with all gravitational masses in a galaxy moving around it.

Celestial masses are attracted not just by the communal center but in specific also by many other masses in the galaxy. Let’s investigate this quickly.

In a visualization with a clock representing a galaxy, a single mass could be located at 3 o’clock being attracted via gravity through the large center location of the clock by the other side. Yet it is not just the masses located at 9 o’clock that are doing the attracting of the mass at 3 o’clock. It is more like all masses between 6 and 12 o’clock (via 9 o’clock) are attracting the single mass at 3 o’clock.

Source: wikipedia

Similarly, the mass at 3 o’clock is contributing (its very small part) to the attraction on all these masses between 6 and 12 o’clock. It will do so as part of its majority of masses of a galaxy.

A look from the other direction, but then with a mass at 9 o’clock is then pulled by all masses situated between 12 o’clock and 6 o’clock, including the single mass at 3 o’clock.

This is then a story of the single mass being attracted by the many in opposite direction, while the single mass contributes itself, as part of the many in opposition, to each and every other mass in their specific opposite location.

A galaxy is therefore not a simple collective. There is a lot of pulling going on, with each mass having its own gravity contributing to the collective setting.

  • Once more, it is the circular motion that keeps all masses where they are. The inward gravitational pull by all masses is countered by the outward centripetal motion of the circular motion of all masses.

Through happenstance, a single mass may no longer follow an established path and become attracted to the very center of all masses in the galaxy. Yet when that mass reaches the center, it will still move around that center. The single mass reverses direction in a smooth but perhaps rather fast transition.

In a static view, the exact center has an attraction that is equidistant in all directions of the galaxy. As such, a single mass will bypass the center in a circular motion, reversing direction, exactly because there is no single mass of attraction. This is a collective gravitational outcome played out on an individual mass.

Interestingly, the net-zero location can be entered also by a mass, yet this cannot happen at great velocity. At great velocity, the mass will always move around the net-zero center.

Source: wikipedia

Yet when a slowly and gradually moving mass enters the net-zero location, it can get stuck on the ‘wrong’ side of the Wall of Motion.

  • Like an airplane flying straight into the Eye of the Storm perhaps not encountering much trouble, when flying back out into the Storm the plane had better not enter it at the wrong angle where the force can overwhelm it. Indeed, it is dangerous work for these pilots.

Naturally, a mass that ‘fell’ into a Black Eye will not have a steering wheel available and will not be able to exit the Black Eye exactly as desired. In short, it will not exit in a single piece.

Any mass stuck on the inside will get churned and tumbled into pieces. Some of it will fly right back into the galactic disk, unnoticed, yet a good amount can move outwardly through the perpendicular spouts. These spouts are located on both sides of the net-zero location in the galactic disk, themselves also net-zero areas. What propels these churned pieces is nothing but the speed the pieces achieved from the churning motion inside the Black Eye. Once more, the Wall of Motion will not let any mass escape whole once it enters the net-zero location.

As alternative for the spouts [added later on], a mass while moving through the Wall of Motion may end up losing parts of its properties. If planet Earth were to fly through the Wall of Motion, for instance, it would not come out the other end with any atmosphere remaining. The spouts would then be ‘just’ the accoutrements of a mass left behind, exiting via the tiny net-zero areas of the Black Eye spouts.

To understand how a galactic system can establish a Black Eye, it is not sufficient to only understand gravitational motions. A galaxy, or any matter in the universe, is always on the move. Truly no matter exists at a standstill.

For instance, the entire galaxy of 100 billion stars of the Milky Way is on the move collectively, traveling through space in what is basically a straight line.

This is the fastest speed that these Milky Way masses are moving in. The outer regions of the galaxy are moving at the same speed as all other masses in the galaxy in that single direction.

  • Like ice-skaters on a frozen canal, each skating under his- or her own force, all are moving like a group and yet there is no group force. There appears to be a group, but a single skater can stop skating on his or her own accord, with the remainder of the group continuing. There is no group powering the skaters.

The initial ‘push’ established by the Big Bang materialization process got applied to all Milky Way energy, moving it in one and the same direction, at one and the same speed. This was put in place once and is on-going. Therefore, it may appear that there is a group that is powered by group action. Yet the only group action that we see, the circling of these masses, is based on gravity. For the skaters, we see the evidence of their being a group when they are jostling or helping propel each other. Yet in general, each skater skates on his or her own power.

  • The original push of the Big Bang is not based on gravity.

The true motions of all masses in the Milky Way are more complex than considered in the Einsteinian view of matter in which gravity is the essential force.

On the one hand, there is the fastest motion of all masses moving in the same direction at the same speed at the same time. On the other hand, there is the gravitational motion indeed that attracts these masses to one another.

  • A circular motion is the result of both realities combined.

In the center, there will be a net-zero location, and this will not be based just on gravity, but based on the established circular motion, which includes the single and fastest direction of all moving galactic matter.

Like an eddy capable of collecting leaves that may get stuck there for a real long time, masses could have been built up in the center of swirls with matter and energy moving through space. Yet speed up the turmoil in an eddy and all the leaves will disappear.

Masses near the center of a galaxy rotate faster than masses further removed from the center. To discover an ‘eddy’ in the center of a galaxy is not very likely. It would be awkward if a mass could ever build up in the centrifugal center of a galaxy.

Why did physicists consider a Black Hole instead of a Black Eye?

The answer lies in our achieving answers not just based on what we observe in reality, but also in our doing calculations on paper. When all the data is transposed onto paper, then one facilitates an environment in which is it easy to make a simple but fatal mistake.

  • Consider a piece of paper with a face drawn on it: two ears, hair, a nose, an eye, a mouth and chin.

All parts are scientifically correct.

And yet when there is just a single eye in the face, then the drawing shows us a Cyclops. It does not matter that the eye itself is scientifically correct. The drawing shows an outcome that does not corroborate what we witness in nature.

When all data about a galaxy is expressed in correct calculations on paper, then a melding of data into a single mass can still make the outcome incorrect. The worst part of the Black Hole calculations is accepting that for the Cyclops the single eye moved to the middle of a face.

  • Naturally, it is easy to see what a Cyclops sees. All one needs to do is close an eye and we see exactly what a Cyclops sees.
  • Yet the mistake is to think that the remaining open eye appears to have moved to the center of our faces.

The model demands therefore that all that is real remains in place, even when there is an established outcome of zero for whichever aspect one considered essential in a physical environment. The zero presence of any aspect does not allow us to eliminate the zero location from our physical reality.

  • Lesson: We should not play with models at will.

It is easy to undermine the Black Hole model with the Black Eye model, just like it is easy to undermine the Vase with the Two Faces. Only one outcome will be correct, and yet the data shows us two possibilities.

How to pick the best possible outcome?

The scientific weak spot in the Black Hole model is that the entity that establishes the scientific Black Hole cannot be detected itself. The event horizon prevents any fully scientific acknowledgment to ever occur. The Black Hole model contains a curtain beyond which no scientific access can be obtained, except on paper. That makes it a weak scientific model because the scientific essence, the silver bullet, is not available.

The Black Eye model does not suffer this scientific problem. All data is out there in the open. Everything is explained. There is no event horizon. The collective of masses explains what happens in the center.

The real distinction is in the interpretation of the data.




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