1 min readJul 26, 2022


The scientific dictionary does not contain the word 'God'. Meanwhile, the word scientist points out that a specific person has a specific a profession.

The religious dictionary does indeed contain the word 'Energy'.

Science and religion can say that Energy does not get lost; i.e. it is eternal, though we can't declare it much better than that.

Yet when we can say in Science that Energy can be described as directed, this does not mean there is then also a Director in all these directions.

The foundation of Science is based on very good grounds, and everyone is invited to see the scientific foundations. They are fantastic. Ask about the final roofline, though, and scientists are looking at their own building and will admit that the roofline is not finished.

The foundation for Religion is based on the whole, and that building is looking peachy dandy, complete. But don't ask about the foundation because you may not live long enough to regret asking that question.

Final conclusion and using Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems to support this:

When we start at the specific level with communal truths, then we will end at the overall level with questions that cannot be answered in the same language as what we started out with.

When we start at the overall level instead with communal truths at that level we all agree on, then we will end at the specific level with fig leaves on top of the spots where we find ourselves in oppositional positions.

Never the two models shall meet, see Gödel.




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