The ten happiest nations in the world are democracies with full representation. We do not have that.
We vote, and about 60% of the voters pick the winners. Then, about 60% of the winners make the decisions.
That is 60% times 60% is 36% of the voters supporting these decisions through their votes.
In the happiest nations in the world, about 95% to 99% of the voters pick their representatives. Then, about 60% of the representatives make the decisions.
That means an actual majority of the voters support the decisions through their votes.
Do you see that the poor are not allowed to have representation in the United States?
The Framers had to agree to this abominable version of representation at the Federal level (otherwise the 13 colonies would not agree to the Union).
Yet at State and local levels, we should have Thomas Jefferson's system in place, guaranteeing full representation. The Bill of Rights (and the Fourteenth Amendment) guarantee that we should have the best voting system in place, and not a voting system that discriminates. State and local voting systems cannot be based on a taking of up to 49.9% of the voters right to representation.
The States are the culprit, not the Federal level. The local city and county officials are the collaborators with the States. They are doing something (i.e. their elections) that they are not allowed to do, says the US Constitution.