2 min readJul 15, 2022


The truth is not fully captured by your words, DonJon.

The voting system is paramount.

The UK does not have a democratic basement; it has a voting system in which competition is the basement.

Nations on Mainland Europe have either a democratic basement or they have a mixed system with greater democratic values at their foundation than the UK.

In the UK voters compete with the voters. Naturally, parties compete with the parties, too.

In the other European nations parties compete with the parties. The voters do NOT compete with the voters.

As a result, the voters in the UK are preselected by the system and only the winners sit around the tables of decision making.

The voters in the other nations do not experience a round of divide-and-conquer. They all end up being represented by their own choice at these tables.


Capitalism is a horse.

If the rider is a loosey goosey, the horse will go where it wants to go.

If the rider is professional and skillful, the horse is used to bring us all to where we want to go.

Brexit is proving to me that a nation with a shitty voting system but found on the inside of a larger group can actually take down that entire group with it.

Hip, hip, hooray that the British voters eliminated themselves out of the EU. I believe the world will end up being a better place because of it. My deepest wish, however, is that the British voters wake up from their utopian dream that they are the best and that their shitty voting system is best.

The British elite has everyone British by the scrotum, and I am glad their hands are found outside the EU now.

Thank you for your reply. I agree with what you say, but I can see that you have one eye closed and do not see the full depth of what is going on. The rider on the horse's back -- that is where we need full control as voters.

If we don't want 20 little parties? Then do what the Germans did. They got the right mix of true democracy with a limitation in place to keep the number of parties down to a handful. A color copier has red, blue, yellow and black ink. Four parties is all we need to have the elite come down to Earth where the rest of us live.




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