3 min readMay 21, 2021


The video was too long for me to watch, so going to give you my two cents instead, Martin. First off, an interesting reply to the interview. I can see this touches you.

Here's the structural philosopher talking:

When I walk out the door, I have the free will to go left, right, straight ahead, or straight back into my house. No one can take away that free will from me.

But living on the surface of the sun is truly not part of my choices; it ain't ever going to happen.

Long story short, in our universe my free will is limited to the airy layer around a planet, and firmly based on the possibilities the planet and my body provide me.

The mind is just a body attachment in which a lot of coordination is occurring, but it is only occurring on an abstract level. The mind is by definition 2D. Mind games are a bit boring therefore because they are not 3D. They can suck us into a very deep level, but it is just happening inside the mind. Only when acting on the 2D information in the 3D world does the 2D info become important.

Free will: I have plenty of it. Opportunities to follow my free will: a bit more limited.


Oh, wait. I have a good story to tell you.

I was working at a hotel with a split shift, sleeping at the hotel, so in the morning I could help out with breakfast for an hour.

I dreamt I was jaywalking to the bus stop to catch the bus to go home and a car came fast around the corner. The driver was quite upset with my jaywalking there, and he and I exchanged unpleasantries, and then I woke up.

After my one-hour shift ended, I walked out the hotel and was about to jaywalk to my bus stop, when I remembered my dream. I decided to not jaywalk, but walk to the crosswalk. Low and behold, the exact same car as in my dream came around the corner and in it the guy that was in my dream. I can still picture him, years later, with my mind's eye. Never seen him before, never seen him since.

He gave me a look as if he recognized me, too. His intention appeared as if he was ready to scream unpleasantries to anyone in his way. He appeared to be surprised I was not in the street but on the sidewalk.

Naturally, this poses a number of questions about future energy being able to float to the past (and then being picked up by me in my dream), and then subsequently my making up my mind differently because of the dream and discovering that my dream had contained actual and accurate information (same car, same individual), but that I had willed a different outcome than what had happened in the dream.

Yes, I have had dreams 'from the future' before, but fortunately not a lot. It isn't always pleasant to see what could happen, even though in general the actual dream information is mostly common (boring) contents. But as this story shows you (I know you do not need to believe me), I was able to influence an outcome that was destined to happen and then did not happen due to free will (actually, I would call it consciousness).

My free will is best experienced when I 'manipulate' myself.

Thanks again for an interesting read.




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