Delving into the question why matter and we ourselves came into being.
In the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, supercomputer Deep Thought reveals that the answer to the Great Question of Life, the Universe and Everything is 42. Author Douglas Adams’s science-fiction novel presents a clear answer, but not an answer that is very helpful.
In this article, the Why of it All is revealed, and the surprising outcome can help us understand the deeper secrets of life. Not all is told; just the overall setup. Yet it provides us a major insight.
Lambda-CDM is the name of the most popular Big Bang model. Physicists declare that the known data is most agreeable to them in this particular model. However, the model is mechanically incomplete.
When spooling back the movie of all known data, one arrives at a point in time in which — POOF — the story simply disappears. No more answers. There is no decent starting point in the Lambda-CDM Big Bang model. All of a sudden, out of an unknown origin, the results occurred.
In the Big Whisper model (also a Big Bang model), the storyline is mechanically complete and it also fits all known data. To be precise, the focus is on the data of first appearance of matter.
Time, space, and energy are accepted as already there. As we all know, there is no known data about the beginning of time, space and energy.
- There will never be any data about the beginning of time, space, or energy. It is forever unavailable.
This means that the real storyline cannot be about the origin of Everything; it has to be about matter coming about. There is no other story to tell.
The How of the Big Whisper is a good starting point to then later delve into the Why we are here.
When time, space, and energy are already a given, it is easy to start out with a condition in which all these aspects exist in an ordinary, normal situation. To have matter come forth from this normal situation, the normal situation has to become abnormal first.
- A normal situation cannot birth something totally distinct.
In the Big Whisper model, extreme conditions did get established through the collective behavior of inward movement by all available energy at the end of the original state of the universe. The Why of this will be looked at shortly, but this is first about the mechanical How.
With an inbound movement among all energy, a distinction is established. On the one hand there is the center of this collective, experiencing everincreasing tension coming in from all directions. On the other hand, all other energy is also involved but not experiencing much of a tension increase.
- Extreme conditions will cause the energy around the center to get damaged, particularly where friction is still available.
Once the localized damage has occurred, the extreme conditions are no longer maintained. A reversal toward normal conditions occurs then, via a collective outbound movement among all energy.
At the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation location, said to have a distance to its mathematical center of about 380,000 years, the conditions are finally back to normal again. Nevertheless, not everything is back to normal.
The damaged energy cannot return to its original shape.
- Once an omelet, there is no return back into the egg.
As a result, the damaged energy ended up forming neutrons and protons at the CMBR, to find new balances among itself. The electrons got pulled into this new realm to overcome the positive charges of the protons, an additional rebalancing act.
That’s the HOW in the Big Whisper model.
Accepting that the Big Whisper delivers the correct mechanical storyline, we are dealing then with a one-time event that allows us to investigate the Why of it All.
The first thing to notice is that there is no simple storyline from A to B that links A directly to B.
- We do not bake a cake from cake particles. Rather, we get the ingredients first, mix that into a batter, and only then can we heat up the oven and get ourselves that cake.
It’s A to C, therefore.
Or… A to D, if you wish.
There is no simple A to B. Rather, there is a storyline that begins with a specific condition, the goal of that action not yet pronounced, and then leading to substantial damage among parts of all original energy.
- The Big Bang is more an accident than a well-planned execution toward a desired outcome.
This new understanding does not prevent us from looking into the Why of it All, but it does require us to focus our attention to the original state of all that energy. Why did it get itself involved in the collective inward movement?
Before answering that question, recognize that with the known results not being the desired outcome, the results themselves will not (cannot) declare the Why of it All.
- We have to dig into the reason Why the original state undermined itself.
If you read the storyline so far correctly, then you will realize that energy in its original state is expressed as having some form of consciousness. It’s not a consciousness of all-knowing, however, because the outcome was not the desired outcome. Consciousness in this state was therefore limited to that state itself, and did not involve what would happen when energy would go beyond the usual limits.
A good question to ask is if it were possible for the original state of energy to have been more conscious than what we consider the norm today? Most of us would not dream of the original state of the universe as conscious.
The Broken Toy story tells us that this is indeed possible.
Two facts are told by the Broken Toy story:
- Nothing of the toy disappeared. It is all still there. Except now the toy is in tatters.
- The special trick the toy was able to perform is not available anymore. The trick is lost forever. The toy cannot repair itself.
Accepting some kind of a uniform state for all energy, the prior state of the universe can be viewed as containing a field of consciousness. This consciousness included the capability of undermining itself, though that knowledge would not be obvious until after the undermining had occurred.
The ability to undermine itself ended up undermining the ability to return to the previous state as well.
Finally: Why did the original energy undermine itself?
The answer is more straightforward than perhaps expected. There was a goal envisioned within the original field of energy to establish an outcome that was distinct from what was experienced at that point in time.
- Through the collective inward motion, an altered state for this field of energy would surely lay ahead.
This means that a desire is the reason why the collective inward movement got started. There was a desire to change the current situation toward a different outcome. Naturally, with the known accident ensuing, the actual outcome was not what was desired. Rather, achieving a perfect ideal of some kind was desired.
There are a few shocking conclusions to be drawn from this storyline.
- The original state of the field of energy was most likely itself not the original state either. Through desiring an altered outcome, an ideal was pursued, an ideal that was probably known or suspected to this field of energy. By establishing the inward movement, a logical pathway was followed toward reaching the desired outcome.
- The prior state of the universe was not some kind of perfection itself.
- After initiating the action, an unexpected accident occurred.
- The mechanics of the accident can be traced back, based on the known results.
- The reason we are here has nothing to do with the fact that we are here.
We might as well accept ‘42’ as the answer to the Great Question of Life. It is equally non-informative to Why we are here. But at least now we can answer the Why of it All.
It has nothing to do with who we are today.
It has everything to do with having been part of a distinctly different origin once, energy-wise. It is in tatters now. We are not part of some kind of Wholeness.
- And that does give us an answer Why we are here.
We better fill in the interspersed blanks for ourselves and give our own life the meaning we desire it to have, while at the same time accepting our responsibility to maintain the natural balance of planet Earth.