3 min readJan 18, 2022


The word Almighty is a brain fart.

It is based on two numbers that do not fit in the same alignment.

1 + 1st.

All + Mighty.

It's a brain fart. It is like saying that everyone can do better on a test than the average outcome.

Naturally, God can then still be mighty, but not almighty. It’s an exaggeration one step beyond reality. Plus, there is one thing larger than God: Space. Space is infinite (the only thing that is infinite), and not even God can conquer all of space.

Personally, I am fine if people want to start out with God to tell an interesting story. But they need to tell then as well what God used to create creation. God could not make it from nothing.

So, the most likely answer is that God made creation from (parts of) God godself. That means the original God is no longer the God of today because a fundamental separation was established.

If God created a fundamental separation, then that is also not a sign of all together one, right?

But God would also not have fully used up God to make creation because a 100% transition of a prior to a next would in my world of logic return to the original state in 15 minutes tops. So, not the whole of God was used for creation.

Personally, I like the explanation of the subatomic level best. There are just three parts to the story. Two parts are found in the nuclei of atoms: neutrons and protons. The third part is floating around: the electron.

As I see it, God (if we want to use that name) was somehow able to establish a situation among godself that led to that fundamental separation.

That means that some parts of God got damaged in that twisting event. Then, the damaged parts got together and formed the neutrons (neutral charge) and the protons (positive charge), and they sit right in the center of the atoms.

Then, from the not-damaged parts of God, the electrons were brought in to neutralize the positive charge.

So, at the subatomic level, we do find quite a bit of conflict with the holy trinity of negative - neutral - positive, but at the overall level we have a neutral outcome. The universe is not a charged place; only the subatomic level is. Plus, let’s not forget the magic of chemistry.

The God I believe in is called Energy, and electrons are straight from the undamaged original remnants of God, and they happen to flow right through us as well. I don’t think the invisible world from which the electrons arrived is fully connected. I think the Milky Way is the largest setting in which we are somehow connected, both in the seen and unseen reality of things. Anything beyond the Milky Way and we are definitively ‘divorced’ from it. Separation at that level larger than the Milky Way is completely fundamental.

I don't call this the Big Bang model while many things do fit, but I call it the Big Whisper (honoring Penzias and Wilson who discovered the CMBR) because it explains more than the Big bang theory.

Thank you for your fun article. I enjoyed reading it.

