The world changed, too. The US is still in the lead, but particularly militarily. Economically, the rest of the world is too entwined with us now to separate us from the rest. They dance to our music, but they can dance just as good. Democratically, we were never the strongest nation on the planet. We're just a two-party system after all. Winners taking all, you know, and that means that 40 percent of the voters go home empty-handed, not being represented.
That leaves just a required 30 percent of the voters to take the lead.
In Sweden, the majority decision is based on 50 percent of the voters. They have full representation. We have majority decisions based on 30 percent of the voters because so many of the voters here get nothing at all.
Now you know why 30 percent of the voters can get behind the wheel of the bus and drive all of us in a direction that 70 percent does not want to go into. They did not hijack the bus. We let them drive the bus. We are letting them drive the bus today because we sit on our hands in the bus.
The Founding Fathers gave us a small pathway to take steps toward a better democratic outcome. They never envisioned a two-party system — that is why there is a small pathway. But if you sit on your hands, then the bus will go to an abortion ban, low minimum wages, not everyone with health care, transit that is spotty, high prison rates, educational problems, a police force lacking some professionalism, and more fun parts that are not a problem for the political elite.
In the Netherlands, the politicians put abortion policies in place and they have one of the lowest abortion rates in the world. It was put in place with the support of the majority of the voters (one of the parties was a Christian party). These parties compromised on the shortest possible period available for abortion and full sex education on all schools at age 11, so parents are not allowed to keep their children ignorant.
The small door exists at the local level where the Bill of Rights actually demands we get the voting system that Thomas Jefferson devised: Proportional Voting, emphasis on portion, so no voter goes home empty-handed.
By learning how a real democracy functions, the wool will be peeled off our eyes, and we'll want the better voting system in that other easy place as well: our State elections.
We don't have to change the US Constitution at all.
We have to change how we vote at the third tier of government. The law is actually with us, per the Founding Fathers.
Then, we will change ourselves how we vote at the second tier of government, which is fairly easy to do.
And then, the first tier of government will end up incorporating four parties all by itself. No more drivers on the bus asking just 30 percent of the voters where they want to go, because next to the red and blue party, we’ll have a green and orange party as well.
We can become the nation the Founding Fathers had in mind.
Come join our grassroots organization Local Revolutions. Set up your own local group.
We have the law on our side.