Then no problem, Matt.
Thank you for letting me show you the following as last aspect to show.
This is the Gini Index of nations in the world. In plain words, it shows how nations treat their own people, in this case using income (in)equality.
They are either real good to their own people, moderately so, or treat some of their own people like shit.
The USA sits at the bottom of all rich nations in the world, treating its own folks at the bottom like cattle.
If the USA were to switch voting systems, the bottom would receive a 50% jump in better treatment (higher minimum wages, better working conditions), simply because the voters are then empowered a lot more than they are now.
You can see the happiest (rich) nations in the dark and lighter blue colors. Again, based on income (in)equality. There are more gini indexes available to investigate more aspects why nations have happier people in them.
Thank you for the conversation.