3 min readJul 29, 2023


Then you will get it.

All data and evidence is identical for the Black Hole model as for the Black Eye model.


Because we are talking gravity. Gravity is an invisible force, and so the results we see depends on our human brain doing the interpreting.

Low and behold, physicists pick a singular entity as the culprit and don't bother to wonder if there are better models out there, explaining the exact same data and evidence.

No, they focus on all mathematical models that show that they are correct, and they don't both focusing on any mathematical model that is diametrically the same.

bkuehlhorn, you won't get it until you understand models.

Rubin's Vase is an excellent model to train the human mind about models.

1. The Vase

2. The Two Faces

Your assignment, which one declares the functioning of the universe best?

Children can say "I don't want to do that", but you are not a child. You must pick one, or... you must explain both in their own (and therefore true) settings.

Here we go.

The Vase contains unification at heart because all matter is contained with the Vase. Yes, this is a metaphor for matter and the idea that there is a unified field of forces, overall.

Notice how this Vase is flanked by absolutely nothing, or if you wish a backdrop of unimportance.

We have 0 - 1 - 0.

With the Two Faces, we have a different material reality. Each Face is self-based, and this is confirmed by the central position of absolutely nothing. This nothing occupies the space between both Faces, in effect delivering a confirmation that each Face is self-based.

We have 1 - 0 - 1.

The assignment is for you to discover which one represents the universal functioning we witness.

While each model can provide us very interesting details about the whole, ultimately just one is correct.

So, when a person uses the analogy of the Eye of the Storm to explain forces, it actually does not really matter if the analogy is a perfect fit or not.

The real item in question is the other person's brain. Will that person understand what is described or will that other person evade what was presented?

That is the question.

The universe has various rules, and one of the surprises may be that the whole of rules can be inverted so folks can look and try to see unification at the universal level while others can look and see how this result could have only come forth from the destruction of any single unified field.

In short: Your view on the universe is the question, bkuehlhorn.

Do you go with the ten million idiots and declare you have the mother of frameworks, or do you look at all possible framework to get a good grasp on the very interesting result we live in?

The Two Faces declares our universe best because we do have self-based outcomes as manifested on so many different levels (but not at the universal level).

All data and evidence is identical for the Black Hole model and the Black Eye model.

But if you see the Vase, then you cannot see the Two Faces. When asking to view the Two Faces the same way as you can see the Vase, that is when you lost me.

Never compare models. Always take them at their own value. Challenge them for what they present. Don't ask for any confirmation by any generic standards other than the specific one that the model declares.

If we have a result, but we don't know everything how that result got established, then all data and evidence will always deliver us two models, equally correct (one simpler than the other).




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